Transcript-Telegram from Holyoke, Massachusetts (2024)

in I FOUR HOLYOKE DAILY TRANSCRIPT AND TELEGRAM, MONDAY, 'APRIL 19, 1937 Chicopee, Willimansett, Aldenville News Of The Day NEW SPRING COAL PRICES SAVE $1.50 PER TON! Fill Your Bins Now With Our First Grade Coal CASH PRICES 3 Tons $1.25 per week USE OUR TIME Tons 1.40 per week PAYMENT PLAN 5 Tons 1.55 per week 6 Tons 1.70 per week RICE 8.75-per ton EGG $12.40 ton KOPPERS 11.90 per ton STOVE 12.40 ton per per ton BRIQUETTES 12.00 per ton NUT 12.40 PEA 11.15 ton BUCKWHEAT (Above Figures Approximate) 9.15 per ton QUALITY AND SERVICE GUARANTEED BELSKY BROS. COAL OIL CO. 279 MAIN STREET DIAL 2-6020 ALDENVILLE Franco -Americans Hold Meeting Much 'bsuiness of a financial and personal nature was transacted at the mass meeting of the Chicopee -American association terday afternoon in the Aldenville Quoitclub. President George Foncaine, was in chairmen charge. of the various district delegations were placed in charge of the drives for registrations in their respective sections The chairmen are George Fontaine, Falls; Albert Blais, limansett: William Sawyer, Fairview; Ernest Croteau, Aldenville, Joseph Langlois, Chicopee.

The next meeting of the organization will take place Sunday, May 16, at the Foresters hall in Willimansett. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Laramee and Mr.and Mrs. Leo Asselin of McKinstry avenue have returned after spending a week-end with relatives and friends in Danbury, Conn.

Mrs. Irene Malbouef Jackson street, Holyoke, entertained the members of the Wednesday Nite bridge club. at her home recently. Prizes in bridge were awarded to Miss May Guerin, while consolation favors went to Jeanette Marier. A luncheon was served with a program ofentertainment following.

The next of the will take place on Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Gladys Myette of Chicopee street, Willimansett. The Misses Lena Labreque and Doris Brousseau were joint hostesses at a surprise party recenty in honor of the 22nd birthday of Miss Eva Lebrecque of Lafayette street, the party taking place at Miss Labrecque's home. She was the recipient of several gifts. Games and general dancing were enjoyed.

A luncheon was served at an attractively decorated table, a large. birthday cake forming the centerpiece. Those resent were Eva Labreque, Wilfred Thibodeau, Doris Brousseau, Roland Tremblay, Lena Labrecque, Joseph Brousseau, Juliette Thobodeau, Theodore Labreque, Jeanette Thibodeau, Charles Tremblay, Paul Thibodeau, Jeanette Labrecqnue. Stella Labrecque Mrs. Arthur Tremblay, Xavier Thibodeau, and Mr.

and Mrs. Mederic Labrecque. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Bergeron of 49 Trilby avenue recently announced the engagement of their daughter, Dorothy to Charles B.

Watts of Wollaston. The wedding will take place in June in St. John's church, Quincy, where Miss Bergeron is temporarily residing. Miss Bergeron was educated in the Chicopee schools. Mr.

Watts is a surveyor, contractor, and builder, in Wollaston. Mr. and Mrs. Mederic Labrecque of Lafayette street and Miss Grace Desroches of Providence street have returned from a week end visit in Winooski, Vt. They visited Sister St.

Jean Vianney, a for. mer resident of this city. Now You Can Wear FALSE TEETH With Real FASTEETH, new, pleasant powder, keeps teeth firmly set. Deodorizes. No gummy, gooey, pasty taste or feeling.

To eat and laugh in comfort just sprinkle little FASTEETH on your plates. Get it today at all good drug stores. Engaged Mrs. Adolph Bergeron of 49 Trilby avenue was hostess at a miscel: laneous shower Saturday evening at her home in honor of her daughter Dorothy E. whose engagement to Charles B.

Watts of Wollaston was announced recently. The guest of honor received 8 number of gifts from her many relatives and friends present. Mrs. Myra Dion won two prizes for games during the evening, Mrs. A.

won the attendance prize. Refreshments -were served to over 40 guests. Among those present were Mrs. Myra Dion, Mrs. D.

Keller, Demers, Mrs. Odias Labonte, Mrs. H. Labonte, Mrs. A.

Peloquin, Mrs. 0. Cartier, Mrs. A. Lafleche, Mrs.

A. Tetreault, Mrs. L. Lefebvre, Mrs. Lydia Bergeron, Mrs.

R. Moffitt. Mrs. Joseph Bergeron, Mrs. L.

Landry, Mrs. Victor, Billiel, Mrs. Lambert, Mrs. Irene Casavant, Mrs. Irene Bergeron, Mrs.

Charles St. Lawrence, Mrs. Edward Griffin, Mrs. M. Leblanc, Mrs.

E. Tusdel, Miss Mildred Moffitt, Miss ae offitt, rs. Erline Moffitt, Pauline Bergeron, Miss Cora Bergeron, Miss Una Gilbert, Miss Germane Lafleche, Miss Lilian Cartier, Miss Gertrude Griffin, Miss Yvette Brunelle, Miss Lucille Landry, Miss Eva St. Lawrence, Miss Dorothy Billiel, Miss Irene Bergeron, Miss Lucia. Couture, Miss Doris Sansoucy, Miss Cecile Dion.

Miss Bergeron, a native of Aldenville but a resident of Quincy for several years will wed Mr. Watts who is a surveyor, contractor, and builder in Wollaston, in June in St. John's church, Quicy, Romeo Lafond and Felix Landry, male attendants at the Monson state hospital, are enjoying a two weeks vacation with relatives and friends here. bault Mr. and Mrs.

Emile Trilby avenue enjoyed a week-end stay with relatives in Manchester, N. H. Mrs. George Edwards of Thaddeus street is convalescing at the House Providence hospital in Holoke folowing a recent appendectomy. Phone 2-5606 for Economy Cleaning, 59c 2 for $1.00 Swiss DeLuxe 75c you You'll see be last year's pleasantly topcoat.

surprised Its bright when refreshing appearance will thrill you. FREE CALL AND DELIVERY Modern Cleaners and Dyers, Inc. HOLYOKE WILLIMANSETT Chicopee Fourteen Arrested In Gambling Raid To Be Arraigned Fourteen men arrested in a gambling raid at the former Red Men's hall on Main street yesterday morning will be arraigned in district court tomorrow morning. Patrolmen Henry F. Dolphin and Frank J.

Mroczek arrested Paul Bogarez of 78 Main street, Stuart Johnson of 141 Hilton street and Frank Dame of 88 Main street, all of Chicopee Falls, for gaming on the Lord's day. Those who were arrested for being present at a gambling game on the Lord's day are: Joseph Pioutek of 450 East street, Joseph Bombek of 14 Baltimore avenue, John Dziura of 19 Alvord avenue, John Nowak of 88 Main street, Michael Anischik of 54 Wheatland avenue and Walter Skiba of 33 Baltimore avenue, Chicopee Falls, and Laurence Gendreau of 191 Main street, John Riley of 392 Main street, Bernard Swartz. of 41 South street, Joseph Morin of 13 Oak street and Ernest Barron of 253 Center street, all of Indian Orchard. All were released 'bail. Nationally Known Swordmaker Dies The funeral of Issac N.

Collard 89, expert swordmaker, who died Thursday in the home of his ter, Mrs. Margaret, of Salem, N. yesterday in this city with burial in Maple Grove cemetery. Mr. Collard, whose work received nationwide recognition, was connected with the Ames Sword Co.

here for about 60 years. The Masonic order conducted services at the grave. Though a native of New York, Mr. Collard had lived in this city most of his life. He was a prominent member of the Masonic order here, and at one time served as marshal of the lodge, Besides his work at the Ames Sword he had done much engraving for Charles Hall Co.

of Springfield. He also was a station here for several years. He to New Jersey six acenta years ago, Among the swords which he had engraved for notables were those of Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd, who visited his home to show his appreciation of the work done by Mr. Collard, Rear Admirals Winfield Scott Schley, William T.

Sampson and George Dewey, Four Persons Hurt In Sunday Accidents Four persons received minor injuries in automobile accidents yesterday afternoon and last night; one accident being caused by the rain and glaring headlights. Charles Brodeur of 882 Chicopee street, Willimansett, was knocked down at 11.10 P. M. by a car operated by Frank Goldberg 1751 Northampton street, Holyoke. Goldberg said he was driving north on Chicopee street, said the rain and the bright headlights of an approaching car prevented him from seeing Brodeur, who was crossing the road in front of his home.

The latter was knocked down. Goldberg took him to the Holyoke hospital, where Dr. Samuel Fox treated him for bruises about the left leg and body and for shock. of 337 Royal street, and Clair RITwo persons, Barbara Jackson. 4 ley, 18, of Keeler avenue, both of Fairview, were hurt when cars operated by Lester G.

Jackson of 337 Royal street and William F. Loftus of 1 Keeler avenue collided -at Prospect and Lyman streets at 3.45 The child complained of an injury to the left side of her face, and Miss Riley received an injury to her thumb. At 2.30 P. M. Ruth Dupont, 6, of 5 East street received lacerations of the right leg when she was struck by an automobile operated by Benny Santos of 78 Lyman street, Holyoke.

Santos said he was driving north on Belcher street and that the child darted out from behind a parked car near Linden street. She was attended by Dr. A. O. Metivier.

REPAIRED WHILE WAIT Now by Factory Methods Days Special Tues. Wed. Women and Children Rubber or Leather Lifts Pair Goodyear Rubber Heels, pr. Genuine Oak Leather Half Soles -Men's, Women's and POPULAR SHOE REPAIR SHOP 65 CABOT ST. Corner Part Street EASTHAMPTON c.

E. County Groups Will Gather Here The Christian Endeavor Society of Hampshire County met- today at the Easthampton Congregational church. The program opened with greetings from the president, Lawrence Peck of Amherst. Rev. Martin Ball of Haydenville was to lead the congregational singing in the afternoon and evening.

Francis Russell of North Hadley will (lead the singing at the supper. George Lewis. of Chicopee Falls, -State alumni secretary, presided at the election of officers in the afternoon. Rev. H.

D. Coe, pastor of the Amherst Baptist church, will install the officers in the evening. The committees include: Program, Lawrence Peck, chairman; Warren Rust, Natalie Rust, Easthampton; Alice Wentworth, Gladys Main, Ruth Pushee, Amherst; Richard Field, Haydenville. Posters, Roberta Johnston, Ruth Ewing, Dorothy Sherwood. Tickets, 'Eleanor Russell, Supper, Warren Rust, Barbara Hall, Virginia Russell, Roberta Johnston, Rebecca Hall, Marion McTurk, Hazel Kingston, Donald Putnam, Merton Burt, Kenneth Knight.

Professor's Wife Dies At Her Home Mrs. Helena Ferguson Johnston, 51, wife of Professor Earl N. Johnston of Williston Academy, died at her home, 18 Main street, Saturday evening, after a long illness. She was the daughter of the late Vincent and- -Rachel Bates Ferguosn, and was born in West Lafayette, Ohio, where she received her education. She was graduated from the West Lafayette College of Music, and for two years studied voice with Margaret Perry Hast, a noted pupil of Evans Williams, at Columbus, Ohio, where she also studied the organ.

She taught music, both voice and piano at West Lafayette. Her marriage to Mr. Johnston, who was principal of the West Lafayette High school, took place at that city March 12, 1912. In 1918 they came to Easthampton. Mrs.

Johnston was a member of the Congregational church, and of the Woman's Society and Mothers' club of the church. She was a former member of the Tuesday Afternoon club, and for many years active in the Women's Christian Temperance Union, serving at one time as president, Besides her husband she leaves four children, Jean, a senior at der College, N. Irene, a graduate of the high school, and at present at home, Roberta, a sophom*ore in the high school, and Evans, pupil at the Center school. at The afternoon funeral with will services be held in the Tuesday Congregational church parlors. Burial will be in Brookside cemetery.

The funeral of Mrs. Alice B. Connelly, widow of Edward Connelly, was held from the home on Hunting-ton road, Loudville, Friday morning followed a solemn high mass of requiem at the Immaculate ception church, Easthampton. Rev. Cornelius F.

Donoghue, pastor of the church, was celebrant, Rev. John Callahan, deacon, and Rev. Francis O'Rourke of Adams deacon. The bearers were Stephen Burke of Williamsburg, William Doyle of Florence, Edward Connelly, Frank Cahill, John Londergan of Northampton, and Patrick Carney of Brooklyn, N. Y.

Burial was in St. Mary's tery, Northampton. -The music committee of the Methodist church will hold a food sale Saturday, April 24. Mrs. Ernest Healy and Mrs.

Joseph -Ewing are Official visitation night was observed on Friday by the: James Rogerson Clark Chapter, Royal Arch Masons in the Masonic Rte Excellent D. D. G. H. P.

William W. Stiffler and suite of Amherst and D. D. G. H.

P. Raymond Cowing of Westfield were present Mrs. William Gaylord will tell of her Western and Southern trip last summer at the meeting of the Mother's club of the Congregational church Tuesday night in the church dining room. Miss Irene Smith of the Massachusetts General hospital staff and Mr. and Mrs.

James K. Smith of Framingham are spending the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Smith of McKinley avenue. Charles Mather of Thompsonville, for the past few years employed at a local paint store has of resigned to accept the managership a Manchester, store.

The funeral of Mrs. Emma (Voegler) Lang was held on Saturday at the home of her sister, Mrs. Walter Hiltpold, 5 Clark avenue, with Rev. Edward P. Merkel, pastor of Trinity Lutheran church.

officiating. Bearers were Arnold Eger of Bay State, John Voegler of Springfield, James Greaney, Hermann Wittnauer, Fred Wodlicka and Paul Knott. Burial was in Brookside cemetery. Your Clothes Are Pasteurized The Holyoke Laundries Co. Dial 8458 POPEYE BY E.


Theophile Lafleur of 36 Whitman street, and Edward J. Como of 103 Spring street, Springfield, were married this morning in the. Nativity church. Rev. Omer Denomme performed the ceremony, using the single ring service and celebrated the nuptial high Mass, followed.

Miss Eva Terrien, organist, played the wedding march and recessional. During the Mass, Mrs. Armand Lavole rendered an "Ave and Mrs. Gedeon Roy, an The bride was given in marriage by her father, and the bridegroom was attended by his George Como. The bride was attired in a dark blue gown of May crepe, with white trimming, and wore dark blue close fitting hat with white accessories.

She carried a colonial bouquet of gardenias and sweet peas. Following the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served at the bride's home, Mr. and Mrs. Como left at noon for a wedding trip of unannounced destination, the bride traveling in a gray wool tailored suit with matching accessories. They will be at home to their friends at 36 Whitman street after May 1st.

Mrs. Como was born in Grosvenordale, and attended the Holyoke schools. Mr. Como was born in Holyoke and attended the local schools. He is employed at the Westinghouse plant, Guests were present from New Bedford, Fall River, Bellows Falls, Moosup, Ware, Holyoke and Chicopee.

Bride Here Today At Nativity rectory this morning Miss Beatrice Adrianne Colty, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Colty of 141 Skeele street, became the bride of Leonard Carl Woerner, son of Mr. and Leonard J.

Woerner of 23 Gates street, Holyoke. Rev. Theodore A Demers performed the ceremony, using the double ring service, The bride was. attended by Miss Bertha L. Woerner, sister of the bridegroom, and Norman C.

Colty, brother of the bride served as best man The bride wore a gown of flesh colored chiffon georgette over heavy crepe, made redingote style, with accordion pleated tunic ending in long train, her flesh colored tulle veil being shoulder length and gracefully draped from ivory beaded tiara. She carried an arm bouquet of briarcliff roses and lillies of the valley, The bridesmaid wore a very smart gown of powder blue chiffon georgette over crepe with matching accessories, and carried talisman roses. Mrs. Colty1 was attired in a thistle colored of crepe with navy blue accessories. while Mrs.

Woerner wore a navy blue crepe gown with matching accessories. Both wore corsages of sweet peas. for the bridal party, were furnished by August Dietrich, florist. Following the ceremony, a wedding breakfast was served at Manning's Inn to the immediate families of the couple. The wedding gifts were numerous and beautiful.

The newlyweds are motoring to New York City and Washington, D. and will be at home to their friends after May 15, at 141 Skeele street. For traveling the bride wore a two piece beige suit with lynx collar and brown accessories. Mrs. Woerner was born in Holyoke, is graduate of Chicopee High school and of the Holyoke Commercial stitute.

She has been employed by the Chicopee License Commission. Mr. Woerner was also born in Holyoke and is a graduate of Holyoke High school, Chauncy Hall in Boston and of the Bliss Electri- Songbag" at the Patriots' Day party at St. Philip's parish house tonight. The talk is illustrated and reveals many incidents in the lives of the famous poets and authors of Amherst.

Mrs. Charles E. Harris will read, Miss Edna Graham will sing, Mrs. James Pollard will be accom panist. There will be tap dancing by Winifred Clark and Natalie Pursche.

Refreshments will be served by members of St. Philip's Guild. George Craig has been named playing manager and Larry Truehart booking manager of the Franco-American sports committee. The ladies degree team of the Grange have organized and held rehearsal yesterday afternoon. The members of the team are master, Miss Cornelia Tarasiewicz; overseer, Adele Laprade; lecturer, Etta Tarasiewiez; steward, Vilow Miller, assistant steward, Mrs.

Clarence Lyman; chaplain, Florence Whittaker; treasurer, Mrs. T. Frederick Cooper; secretary, Alida BrouIllette; gatekeeper, Elleen Ebert; Ceres, Wanda Furtek; Pomona, Henrietta Stawarz; Flora, Anita Lavallee; lady assistant steward, Helen Mularsici; pianist, Jeanette Laprade; asssitant pianist, John Cernak executive committee, Mrs. Merton Todd, Mrs. Wilfred Fortier, Miss Julia Szefczyk.

Mrs. D. S. Clapp, John Auger, Mrs. Charles Rhoades and Ellsworth Greenwood were winners at the recent Daughters of Veterans' card party.

can School in Washington, D. C. He is connected with his father in business at the Woerner Newsroom, Holyoke, The WPA recreational group will sponsor a social and dance at the Kirby, night. junior No high tickets school will be Wednes- required. Dancing will be enjoyed from 7 to 10.

The WPA orchestra, under direction of Del Peloquin, will play. On Thursday night a simfar dance will be held at the high school. The Waho club met Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Gedeon Roy of McKinstry avenue, Aldenville.

Bride was played at three tables, with high score prizes going to Armand Roberts and Arthur Lefebvre, while the consolation gift went to Gedeon Roy. The hostess served refreshments at the card tables. The next meeting will be Saturday evening with Mr. and held Armand Roberts of Ledger avenue, Aldenville. The Jolly Twelve will meet tomorrow evening with Mrs.

Louis Laframboise of Providence street, Aldenville. Mrs. Michael- Reardon of Riverside avenue will entertain the members of the Idle Hour club tomorrow evening. Mrs. Fred Wilson of Forest street will be the hostess for the I.

W. C. club meeting tomorrow evening. Mr. and Mrs.

Alphonse Beauregard of John street, with their niece, Miss Annette Lefebvre of St. Louis avenue, 'motored to New Haven, for the week-end. Mrs. Beuregard will spend the week there with relatives. The Tuesday Nite Knitting club meeting will be held tomorrow evening at the home of Mrs.

A. Musante of Skeele street. Mr. and Mrs. Armand Daviau of St.

Louis avenue entertained out-oftown guests over the week- including Dr. -Mrn. John Hannan of Lee, Dr. and Mrs. A.

Fass of Boston, Mr. and Mrs. E. Connelly of Barrington and Mr. Burkhart of Boston.

Henry White of Providence, R. prominent newspaperman, has returned after spending the week -end with Jean Drapeau of Whitman street. Leo Menard of Harrisburg, who is visiting relatives in this locality, is, stopping with his sister, Mrs. Pierre Drapeau of Whitman street. URGES REMINGTON-RAND EMPLOYES TO ACCEPT PLAN SYRACUSE, N.

Remington Rand joint protective board today urged striking employes of the office equipment company in five cities to accept the latest revised plan to end their eleven-month-old walkout. The board approved the plan in a six-hour session here yesterday, Vernon M. Crofoot, Syracuse. board president, predicted the strikers would be back at work by May 26, anniversary of the strike. Unionists in Illion, Tonawanda, Syracuse, Norwood, Ohio, and Middletown, were scheduled vote on the latest peace plan today.

FATALLY WOUNDS LIFE SANTA CRUZ, Sally 37, died today from a wound inflicted by her husband, Major Allen D. Boggs, who shot her when he mistakenly suspected her Chicopee Falls Smith-0'Brien Engagement Miss Pietrasiuk Wed This Morning The wedding of Miss Josephine D. Pietrasiuk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Pietrasiuk, of 57 Parsons street, and Henry Romeo Soucy, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Ludger Soucy of 9 Hampton Terrace, took place this morning at the Sacred Heart church, Rev. S. C. Zdebel, pastor of the church, performed the ceremony, using the double ring service.

Miss Jennie Paul of Pennsylvania, a cousin of the bride, was the bridesmaid, and Emil Soucy, brother of the groom was the best man, The bride wore a suit with navy blue accessories with a corsage of gardenias and lilies of the valley. The bridesmaid was in gray trimmed with blue and carried isman roses. A wedding breakfast was served at the home of the bride with guests present from Pennsylvania, Bridgeport and town. The bride was born and educated in Easthampton. The groom was born in Maine and has lived in Easthampton for several years.

He is employed at the Hampton company. Following a trip Mr. and Mrs. Soucy will live at 24 Briggs street. Jobless Here Given Employment At a saving of several hundred dollars a week to the town, 50 men of the local welfare rolls were taken off and began work this morning on the Hadley and Hatfield WPA dike construction project, a part of the flood control program for this area.

They will be employed on the stagger system, with two weeks of work alternating with two weeks off. The weekly wages will amount to $1100 for the 50 men, this being the Federal allotment. The only cost to the town will be that of transportation. At a cost of $22 per day or $132 per week, the Northampton Street Railway company, under contract, has agreed to bring the men back and forth to work in busses. OFFICERS ELECTED At the anual election of officers on Friday in the Methodist church social rooms, the Ladies Aid society of the church chose the following officers: president, Mrs.

Hector Campbell; vice-president, Mrs. Merritt J. Loomis; secretary, Mrs. M. Taylor; treasurer, Mrs.

Dwight Clapp. The following committees were appointed: parsonage, Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Harold Ewing, Mrs. Charles Pomeroy, Miss Alice Taylor; proMrs.

Ewing, William Strangford, Mrs. Oscar M. Hill; membership, Mrs. Ernest Healy, Mrs. E.

Scott Allyn, Mrs. Clayton Farr, Mrs. George McElvoy; flowers, Miss Taylor; housekeepers, Mrs. J. McKeraghan.

Reports read indicated a successful year. The Mothers' Club of the Congregational church will meet tomorrow night in the church dining room for supper, following which the members will adjourn to the church parlors where Mrs. W. M. Gaylord will tell of her recent trip to various parts of this country.

Members serving as the supper committee are Mrs. Stanley Ewing and Robert Clapp, co-chairmen; Mrs. Thaddeus Parsons, Otis Allen, Mrs. Kenneth Burt, Mrs. Fred Pomeroy-Mrs.

William McKiernan, Mrs. Wallace E. Riedel, Mrs. E. H.

Fuller, Mrs. Dora Nordeen. There will be the election of officers. Mr. and Mrs.

Anthony Dobrowalski, John Piskor, Walter Krawczynski and Mrs. Josephine Stawarz: were in Boston yesterday and attended the semi-annual meeting of the Polish Army Veterans' association, district 8. Mr. Dobrowalski, commander of the local Post No. 11, and Mrs.

Krawczynski, a member, were delegates. Mrs. Stawarz is one of the officers of district 8. Fred McCarthy has been elected regent of Royal Arcanum, Manhan Council; John Gribben, vice-regent; Eli Bourgeault, orator; R. Voigt, secretary; John B.

Lahaie, collector; F. C. Graves, treasurer; William Chipman, chaplain; M. C. Halloran, guide; Charles Grenna, warden; Louis Mongeon, sentry; John McAuley, past regent.

Rudolph Voigt has been elected delegate to the grand council to be held later this year. An exhibition of fine reproductions of distinguished examples of the art of the color print as practiced in Japan from the late 17th to the mid 18th centuries, is now on view at the Crane Memorial Room, Williston Recreation Center. Mr. and Mrs. M.

Joseph McCarthy and son, Donald, of Newton, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Frank Merrigan of Pleasant street, Francis Corkery, a student at Holy Cross College, and Miss Anne Fallace of Long Island City, spent the week-end and holiday with Mr. Corkery's parents, Police Offcer and Mrs. Michael A.

Corkery. Miss Marion Goodwin of the high school faculty spent the week-end at her home in Gloucester. Ray force, another member of the taculty, is with his mother in Worcester. Prof. Frank Practice Rand, head of the department of literature, M.

S. will lecture on "The Amherst The engagement of Miss Mary Catherine O'Brien, daughter of Mrs. William Smith O'Brien and the late Dr. William Smith O'Brien of 97 Center street to Thomas Joseph McCook, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Joseph McCook of Marlboro, was announced recently by Miss O'Brien's mother, The wedding will be an event of the summer. Miss O'Brien attended Chicopee high school and the Sargeant school for girls and is now girls' supervisor in the Chicopee WPA recreational project. New Sport Club Meets This Evening The newly organized Oregon Sportsman's club will meet tonight in -Manning's on Montgomery street with President Peter Robinson in charge. About 75 applications for membership will be received tonight. The committee named to look up permanent quarters for the new organization and the committee for membership will report.

On these committees are Finian Shea, chairman of the committee for the quarters, Leslie Isabelle, Frederick Nugent, Richard O'Brien, and Peter Shea. On the membership committee are John Manning, Bernard Fitzpatrick, John Burdette, Finian Shea and Teddy Shannahan, Eagles To Have Meeting Tonight The Chicopee Falls Aerie of les will meet tonight in the rooms on Main street with President Ernest Gagnon in charge. The committee in charge of the membership drive will report and the winner of the membership contest will be announced. The member introducing the most new candidates this meeting and since the first meeting in February will be sent to the state convention in Haverhill at no expense to himself. Up to the present more than 40 new members have taken the Eagles initiation degree.

Alphonse St. Ange is chairman of the membership committee. The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Charles C. Kennedy post, American Legion, will hold the regular meeting tonight in the Post rooms on Belcher street with President Mrs. Florence McElhone in charge.

Plans will be made for another military whist party and for a series of penny socials to take place during the next month. Unity Circle, Daughters of Isabella; will meet tonight in the Knights of Columbus home with Mrs. Eunice Moriarty presiding. A card party and refreshments will follow the regular meeting. All members are asked to attend.

of being unfaithful. Major Boggs told police that early Saturday he trailed his wife to the home of a friend. She was asleep. The covers of the other twin bed were rumpled. After he fired he discovered the occupant of the other bed was his 12-year-old stepson, Danny Renear.

Today's Cross- Word Puzzle -By EUGENE SHEFFER- 4-17 2 3 12 13 14 18 20 21. 22 23 24 25 26 27 281 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 48 49 50 51 52 153 54 55 57 58 59 HORIZONTAL 45 interval VERTICAL 12-fuel 1-deposit of 46 -the City of 1-Awet thor- 18 -rim mud in the Hills, oughly water Italy 2-vain 21-national 5-fold of 47-strike flower of front of 48 3 -privation England coat a bird 4-jogged 23-narrow way picarian 10-a stout cord 51-gymnastie 5 a wailing 26-bee-like scent 6 -active insects 16 staring 55 old 7-yield pre- 27-habituate performer with surprise 56-vex cious metal 28-shaped like 16 augmented 58 -stake 8- -Those de- a cupola 59- beast of voted to 29 by addition scanty burden luxuries of 80 substitute 17-to0 60-finished the table for soap 18 4 jot 61-impel -beverage 81- copper 19-rough, 62- -wagers 10 -one who 82- coins broken 63 reserve lives se- a ringlet cliff fund cluded 36-the order 20-European 64 line of 11- the basis including falcon junction of soups man 22 compare 87-very recritically urday's Herewith puzzle. is the solution to Sat- 40-formal spectful 24- character of sound processions 25-two-toed 41 minute sloth particle 26 -broadest 42 -sustain 20 perform haying -cephaloped 33 opposed to cathode ops BOI eight arms 34- -one who TEE LAC -move back purchases -more temptible con36- -result of addition 48-side-post of 86-4 variety of AL MAMA a door -malarial united quarts ORB RAPID fever -made strong ready iron TONE implement 39- 50-prehistoria pins EWE 52 unadorned seaweed pala assuaging abound 45 46.

Transcript-Telegram from Holyoke, Massachusetts (2024)
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Author: Mr. See Jast

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Views: 6252

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (55 voted)

Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Mr. See Jast

Birthday: 1999-07-30

Address: 8409 Megan Mountain, New Mathew, MT 44997-8193

Phone: +5023589614038

Job: Chief Executive

Hobby: Leather crafting, Flag Football, Candle making, Flying, Poi, Gunsmithing, Swimming

Introduction: My name is Mr. See Jast, I am a open, jolly, gorgeous, courageous, inexpensive, friendly, homely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.