Fall River Daily Evening News from Fall River, Massachusetts (2024)

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VOL XXXIII FALL RIVER MASS MONDAY MAY 9 1892 PRICE TWO CENTS NEW ENGLAND OVER THE OCEAN UEW ENGLAND SCORCHED THE STORM DOORS SECOND EDITION FIRST EDITION JAMES CORDON BENNETT Will Pay 2S000 for a Herald Libel Whttb Plains Ha A sheriff's jury to-day rendered a verdict of $25-000 in the libel suit brought by Coroner Edward Mitchell against Jamos Gordon Bennett proprietor of the New York Herald Tbe plaintiff sued for $50000 and the defendant pnt in no defense Tbe anlt grew ont of articles published in the Herald at the time of tbe dynamite explosion at Tarry town a year ago reflecting on Coroner Mitchell PASSES THE HOUSE The Western Flood Brunswick Mo May The bar south of here which had lately become valuable farming land was flooded yesterday All day was spent in rescuing the inhabitants and their stocks Last evening the ferry boat broke from its cable while loaded with people and horses and went floating down the river It has not since been beard from Arkansas City Ark May The river has been stationary since 7 o'clock yesterday forenoon but the levees in front of the city are somewhat critical It is thought however that with constant and diligent attention they will be made to hold Vicksburq Miss May The Mississippi river is still rising Fifteen thousand acres of land are now overflowed in this county and a multitude of negro tenants and laborers are left unprotected and in many cases destitute It is likely that application will be made to the national government for relief 1 RIOTOUS COLLIERS They Attack a Nou Unionist and Destroy His House London May A riot occurred Saturday evening at the Castleden colliery near Hartlepool The trouble grew oat of the employment in the mine of a non-unionist named Stockdale The union men attacked him Saturday evening as he was leaving his work and would no doubt have seriously injured him but for the interference of the police The rioters then attacked the latter and a number of policemen were struck with stones and badly Injured Stockdale in the meantime ran to his home The mob was in strong force and rushed to bis house and in a very short time it was totally wrecked The occupants however had been warned and escaped before the rioters arrived Another house in which resided an official of the mine was set on fire and then satisfied for the time being with the destruction they had wrought the rioters withdrew Yesterday the mob gathered again and threatened to wreck all the upper works of the colliery The mine officials parleyed with the mob and finally by promising to discharge Stockdale they induced the miners to suspend hostilities FOUR DEAD BODIES Fears of Other Fatalities at a London Fire London May It baa been ascertained that 16 persons were sleeping in Scott's oyster bar in Coventry street which was burned last night The four bodies reported last night as having been taken from the ruins were those of the waiters They were on the teptioor and sought to escape by means of a window but found it impossible to get it open Meanwhile the fire cut off their escape from the room Their shrieks for help could be heard on the street but it was beyond human power to help them The other eleven some of whom it was thought had perished saved themselves by rushing to the roof and reaching an adjoining building SURRENDER TO MASTERS Hlotlne by Stalybridge Operatives London May 9 cotton mills at Ashton-Under-Tyne resumed to-day The Staylybndge operatives are still greatly excited at what they deem a surrender to the masters in the matter of employing nonunion operatives They not only refused to goto work to-day but indulged In rioting and breaking the windows of the mills The police suppressed the disturbance CRUSHED TO DEATH By Falling Coal in a Yorkshire Mine London May 9 Manver's main colliery in Yorkshire to-day a number of miners were at wcrk loosening coal in a remote section of the pit Suddenly about 100 tons of coal fell upon them from the roof of the shaft Three of the miners are known to have been killed and two more were dragged alive from under the coal A CABLE BROKE Five Miners Killed in Belgium Brussels May 9 A fatal accident occurred to day at the Trieuaisin colliery at Gilly a village three miles northeast of Uainaut The day shift were entering the pit and the cage was crowded with miners when suddenly the cable broke and the cage was precipitated to the bottom of the pit Five of the miners were instantly killed and some of the others were badly injured Deemine To Be Executed May 23d Melbourne May 9 execution of Frederick Hailey Deeming for the murder of bis wife has been fixed fur May 23d Spain's Foreign Commercial Treatiei London May The AYfV Madrid correspondent commenting upon the rupture of foreign commercial treaty negotiations £ays: Premier Canovas besides being bound to the protectionists has made such arrangements with America that ho cannot include the West Indian colonies in any European treaty of commerce and lie does not desire to conclude treaties while ho retains a hope of obtaining a French convention for Spauisu wines In the meantime imports and exports decline heavily The decrease in revenue for March was £5400 and for April £1)0000 The government organs comment upon the sudden departure of I he French ambassador following the rupture i ill England Itiinla To Permit Grain Imports St I'LThRMU ro May -A decree permitting the export of oats and corn will be published on Friday next and another decree permitting thy export of wheat will be published three or four days later Cable BHet The Hank of England offers to loan the municipality of Kin le Jam iro L'-itKM)-OOO to he used in renovating the city 1 1 err (lahriel Von Itaross Hungarian minister of industry and commerce died to-day Second ballots were held in a number of places in Fram yesterday to decide the election of municipal officers The4 have added to the victory scored bv the Republicans at the general elections on May 1 Quarrel Murder and Sulcldo BltooKiYN Mav 9 Abel Smith colored man aged L''t during a quarn shot ifn Miranda at their home at Canarsie last evening killing her instantly He then rushed from the house and threw himself in front of a train and wis instantly killed The Indiana State Republican Convention will bo in Fort Wayne June L''t I instead of June 2H(h The change was made to accommodate the farmers 1 MUNICIPAL COAL YARDS Majority of the Supreme Court Decide Them Unconstitutional Boston May This afternoon the supreme court sent in its answer to the question of the House of the constitutionality of municipal coal yards Chief Justice Field and Justices Allen Knowlton Morton and Latham answer that the yards are unconstitutional Justice Holmes says they are constitutional Justice Barker says they are constitutional if they are a public necessity but if instituted for the sake of experiment they are unconstitutional Home" Means Shelter and Maintenance Boston May A long explanation of the legal significance of the word "Home" comes down in a decision of the full bench of the supreme court in the case of the will of Timothy A Smith of Westboroin which appears the following clause To my sister Eliza A Leonard a home at my house as long as she lives" The exeoutors doubted whether a Home" meant simply shelter or shelter and support The court says: 'The word home when made the subject of a devise is ambiguous and may mean merely tho usa of sufficient room or it may include a support We have therefore to put ourselves as far as possible in the testator's place to ascertain the meaning which it bore In his mind The word Home' as then understood by both seems to have included maintenance" Granite Cutters' Strike Concord May Cable dispatches were sent to-day to England Ireland Scotland and Italy from the headquarters of the Granite Cutters' National Union In this city warning granite cutters and quar-rymen to stay away from this country on account of the existing troubles The national union committee also issued to subordinate unions a lengthy reply to the recent communication of the Manufacturers Association in which they informed National Secretary Dwyer that until a new agreement was signed for 1892 all work would cease Saturday night Higher Prices for Lumber Concord HMay The recent rain has raised the rivers bo that the lumber drives which got tied up a few weeks ago have all been started The drive down the Merrimac will bo smaller than last year and that down the Connecticut river will be only about one-third the usual amount The total cutting in Northern New Hampshire will be much less than in 1891 and higher prices for lumber are predicted NEW ENCLAND HAPPENINCS Samuel Scott a farmer unmarried committed suicldo at Norwich Ct last night by shooting Canse unknown Schooner Raven bound for New Bedford with a cargo of lumber sprang aleak yesterday aud was towed to Biddeford Pool last night She is owned in Belfast Henry Marshall died last night at Exeter of excessive drinking Saturday he and two companions procured from Boston a gallon of rum and drank it all The livery stable and a dwelling house belonging to Wm Hunt at Montpelier Vt were burned last evening Loss $3000 in surance $2250 Origin sparks from a chimney Forest fires yesterday near South Windham Ct burned over 500 acres A party of 100 men fought the tire last night but it broke out afresh to-day and is still raging One freight train ran into the rear end of another at Salisbury Ct Sunday morning-The engine was damsged 6eveu cars wrecked and the track torn up but no one was injured The Pawtueket aldermen have notified tho chief of police to prevent the posting of theatrical bills representing females im properlv clothed and the orders are being carried out Five laborers at work on the extension to the Holvoke Street Railway Coin pan 'i tracks struck this morning for an increase of 25 cents a day The strikers are all union men The laborers were paid off The bouse biru and outbuildings owned and occupied by John Mathes near Bound BayTjaconiaN II were burned this morning with most of their contents Loss estimated at S5000 insurance $3000 Cause unknown The body of an unknown man evidently a laborer was found off tho Pomeroy Coal Company's pier this morning There were no marks of violence and It is probably a man who disappeared suddenly from the pier some days ago United States District Attorney Allen is back at his post to-day having recovered from his recent Illness Nothing will be done in Maverick Bank matters before Friday Mi Potter's trunk is not likely be summoned before the grand jury The gov eminent will it is said get along without it John Barry alias Richards and Wm Mullen alias Sweeny were to-day ordered to recognize in So ()) each for appearance before the United States commissioner at Boston Wedn -sday on the charge of passing spurious hills When arrested tho men had some $200 in counterfeit and S'JTO in good money in their possession As tho noon train on the Mamo C-ntral railroad approached the new Height street extension at Auburn a team driven bv Miss Ellen Merrow aged and residing near littlelield tavern Auburn took fright and dashed directly ahead of the train The carriage was smashed and Miss Merrow run over by tho whole train ami her body mangled oeyond recognition Amateur Hunter What a 'y ii'imal the fox i to bo Min-! Tho oilier I 'Mowed one fr three Iioum and whl i I-' t'lv "hoi l' I found it wa- a red dg' KUgeuda Hlatter Diphtheria is quite prevalent at Brockton After the grip UikmI's Haiapanlla will restore your strength and healthanu expel every trace of polsoi iithe blood An Incendiary' Box at the State Home Boston May 9 Thi8 morning a messenger in the treasury department at the State House discovered on the verandah close against the storm doors protecting the main entrance to the building a box that from its branding had originally contained fish filled with paper rags and chips parity eonsomeu The box was perforated with small holes and was raised by small blocks about an inch from the step Attached to the box was a string about four feet in length that had been partly consumed The wood work of the storm doors had taken fire but the fire had gone out after scorching the surface Sergeant-at-Arms Adams took the box in charge and sent it up to the police who with several inspectors took the matter under investigation and came to the conclusion that the box was placed there in a spirit of malicious mischief If the storm doors had been burned the flames had yet to destroy the mastdve oak doors before they could have gained entrance to the building Though there seems little or no ground for such a suspicion several attaches of the State House have a suspicion that the fire was set to engage the attention of the watchmen so that an attempt could be made to rob the treasury of the state department in the rear SIX YALE SOPhom*oRES Have a Rough Experience on the Sound New Haven Ct May 9 Parsons of Randishfield Mass Dunning of Jamaica Plain Mass Hill of Madison Ct Noon of Gloucester Mass and Raymond Lloyd of Cincinnati of the Yale sophom*ore class and Good-enough of Winchester Ct '73 left in an open boat Saturday morning for a sail across the Sound to Long Island On the return trip when 10 miles off the light house at the mouth of the harbor the Ieak halliard was carried away The wind was blowing a gale at this time and the boat was in great danger of swamping The pump too was out of order and the little vessel wm kept measurably clear of water by aid of an old tin can Four of the six men were down with seasickness leaving the other two (Dunning and Hill) to manage the boat From o'clock Saturday night until yesterday the student mariners were in imminent peril Late in the afternoon the party sunburnt and worn out succeeded in reaching the city One of the young men was so ill that he had to take to his bed CAR WHEEL BROKE Massachusetts Man Killed In Jumping from the Train- tiRLViDKRE May The Boston Flyer over the Peiinsvivania Hudson was wrecked on the lielvldere division near Harmony station at 9 o'clock Saturday night by the breaking of a car wheel which threw the truck across the track anil derailed the combination Albert Brown of Brook Station Mass in attempting to jump from the train fill under the cars and wan so badly crushed that he died in a few hours Brown was on bis way home from St Louis NO INDICTMENTS Against Lawrence Aldermen Newbihypuut Mass May The grand jury to-day returned 5f indictments among hich was one against I ay Koswell Brown as accessory to murder No indictments were found against the alleged Lawrence boodle alderman Newport Has a Firebug Nkw port May Though the police are trying to conceal the fact it has become quite evident that Newport lias a firebug within its borders Since the first of the year there have been several fires which were unquestionably of incendiary origin and several attempts to tire buildings have been defeated by early discovery Yesterday morning there appears to have been another attempt to mart ablaze the extensive wooden buildings known as the ad works having been fired but early deter tion admitted of extinguishment in time to reveal the plans as laid by the would-be incendiary Fire at Fort Fairfield Me Foiet Fairfield Me May 9 The Williams Block in which were the clothing and boot and shoe store of Williams the barber shop of A 1 Walsh and occupied on the upper Hfors by four families was mined by lire Sunday morning Very few household goods wete saved Williams' loss is $lt00O insured for about SttOOO Cause of tire unknown A PRACTICAL JOKE Leads to a Murder at New York Nkw Ykk Mav 9 James Gilmartin a longshore man wan stabbed and killed by an unknown negr last evening in retaliation for a practical j--ke played in a Bell street lodging house DESTRUCTIVE CONFLAGRATION (hie Hundred Families Homeless A very destructive rirooeenrred at Fair-ville It yesterday which banted out the heart of the town and rendered nearly a hundred families homeless The tire rued seven hours Various causes are assigned us the oi igin Fairville is the first station on the Canadian Burin'1 railw ay near the Suspension Budge and is the home of many people doing business in St John New Brunswick OI KAN HTKAMKHH At New York Arizona lhcrtool Kbro London Sarmatla ('arthatcna At I Lost on Vircti inn Liverpool At Southau-ptou Kins New York 3 O'CLOCK For Morning News and Interesting Miscellany See Inside Pages FROM THE Smallpox Marine Disaster Earthquake and Coiitiatcratiou San Francisco Cal May The steamer City of Pekin arrived ye-sterday from China with a yellow flag flying Smallpox was discovered among 1000 Chinese on board just as the vessel was leaving Yokohama harbor One sick Chinese was found and promptly transferred to shore One hundred of the Chinese were destined for Honolulu but were brought here direct One case of varioloid was developed on the voyage Japanese advices say that the Japanese steamer Itouma Maru was cast away during the night of April 3 on an island off the coast of Corea Only the captain and 12 people were saved while 50 others including three Japanese naval officers were lost The steamer was officered and manned by Japanese and it was understood that no foreigners were among the passengers Further accouuts of the recent earthquake at Manilla show there was considerable damage throughout the island In some towns all the churches and colleges were destroyed A great fire at Niching destroyed 2000 bouses ami a number of people were killed News from Tonquin states that on March 26th tbe French troops had a severe fight with the natives A number of the native furls were captured but it is nut known how many natives were killed BOLD ROBBERY AT SALT LAKE Wealthy Women Forced To Part with Their Diamond alt Lakk City Cub May il -A bold robbery here lias just transpired While Mrs Euzenberger and a friend the wife of a wealthy wcol grower were silting in their room afier returning from a dance Friday night three masked men entered the apartment and with revolvers in hind demanded their valuables The wife of the wool grower asked the robbers if there were no men in Silt Lake worth robbing The Irony was unheeded one of the trio replying We are out for the stuff men or women We want your diamonds Shell out or you will get hurt'' Mrs Euzenberger had ten stones and her friend five all worth £6000 Mrs Enzen-berger saved a valuable br och by dropping it on the floor Two purses containing about 1 75 were taken No clue SECRETARY NOBLE Reported To Have Been Sued for Libel- New Yoke May 9 A Washington special to the Sun savs it is reported there that Secretary Noble while in New York recently attending the (Want monument ceremonies was served with a legal summons crowing out of a libel suit brought by Win Lapbam a former employe ot the interior department who was removed and whom in the letter of dismissal the secrotary is alleged to hare used libellous statements against Tho secretary it is nndersiood gave bail for his appearance when the trial shall take place Mr Lapham is a near relative of the late Senator L-ipham of New York LOUISIANA CONFEDERATES To Apply for State Pensions Nkw Oiilkans La May i) Confederate veterans have determined to apply to the Legislature which meets to-day to pass a pension iaw that will give to all Confederate veterans incapable of supporting themselves a pension of from hi to $12 a month The demand will probably be granted and will cost the Stale from 850- 000 to 5100000 a year The lottery amendment defeated at the late election proposed to give the Confederate veterans $50000 pension a year and 55000 for their home The veterans voted gainst the amendment OVER THE DAM Two Lives lust by IteeM-'to Oarsman' Hamilton Ohio May (J John Holan an inexperienced oarsman took Misses Lizzie Lindt rtield Alice Larue and Kalie Clark in a rowboat on the Big Miami at Wot ds-dale yesterday There is a dam IhiIow that point ami above it is a distinctly maikod danger line Itolan did not hi ed the danger but passed and could not return The boat went over the dam The Misses Iuue and Claik were row in and holan and Miss Limlertield were rescued with much dilli cully For Bering Sea IVm Townkni Wash May 0 The Tinted States man-of-war Adams sail for Bering Sea yesterday ami the revenue cutter Hush will leave to-day The cruiser Yorktown is expected to sail by Thursday and the tish steamer Albatross a few days later The rendezvous of thee vessels will be I'nalaska The revenue cutter is now tuo hern Snowing In Wyoming Ml m-'Wo Wyo May 5 Snow which reused Friday in irning recommenced Sat urday niyht and still falls The roads have hern impassable for freight teams lor two months Several thousand pounds of merchandise are stuck ill the mud bet ween It re ai (iillette Not a pound of sugar or colli -e is for rale in Bnff ilo ami in Fort MeKin-1 1 1 the commissary is nearly ex Intuited I' toe- ks all siz's ebcan at lit? Xk 1 ni i 5 O'CLOCK THE NEW SHIPPING BILL Paige the Stunts and Four Floe Vessel! Will Be at the Command of the 8 Navy Washington May After the routine business Mr Frye from the committee on commerce reported back to the Senate the House bill to encourage American shipbuilding He said that the report was unanimous and that he had been instructed to move its present consideration He made that motion and it was agreed to The bill having been read in full MrFrye stated that although it was general in its provisions two ships only were to be admitted to American registry They were to he excluded from the coastwise trade and might be used by the government (by charter or purchase) in time of war That he said was the full extent of the bill The two ships to be admitted were the City of New York and the City of Paris the two largest ships to-day in the world since the Great Eastern was broken up: the two staunchest ships in the world and he might say the two fastestexcept that the Majestic had crossed the ocean in 18 minutes less time After Mr Frye had desstibed at length the two vessels he said that there were intimations in the newspapers that the British lion was growling somewhat at the prospect of losing those two ships But it had no occasion to growl because when these ships were built and a proposition was made that they should be subventioned by the British government at the rate of 8105000 a year the Biitish government had said to the owners that in case of trouble the United States government was liable to ask for those ships and to admit them to American registry and that there ought to be 6ome penalty in the erent that the owners yielded to that demand The owners asked what penalty the British government desired to exact and the reply was that the 8105000 a year should be returned each year so that there should always be one year's pay behind and that 105000 should ba the penalty exacted if those ships ever went uuder American registry So that Mr Frye said the British government had nothing to say it the bill became a law The penalty would be paid and that was tho end of it It the bill became a law two ships would be built in the United Slates not of 10000 tons but of 12000 tons and with a speed not 20 knots but 23 knots After some discussion an amendment of" fered by Mr Mills to strike out of the oil certain words that might allow the two ships to avail themselves of the postal sub sidy was rejected without division and the bill just as it came from the House giving American registry lo the City of New York and tho City of Paris was yeas 40 nays 1 0 Mr Chandler to-day offered In the Senate a resolution which went over without action for the appointment of a select committee of rive senators to investigate the failure of the Maverick National Bank of Boston and any failure of law and irregular proceedings in connection therewith especially any unusual deposits and withdrawals of money the suicide of the largest borrower immediately before the failure and the sudden death at the time of the failure of the United States examiner in charge of the bank WORLD'S FAIR STRIKERS Have an Ucly Fight with the Iollce Chicago May 0 bloody collision be-tweeu the police aod 200 striking iron workers from the World's Fair grounds supported by crowds of sympathizers occurred today at Grand Crossing A scoro or two of scalp wounds were intiictod by the policemen's clubs and the excitement a time was intense The riot was due to the importation of men from New York Pittsburg aud Baltimore to take the placo of the strikers who were employed on the Manufacturers' building by tho Edgemoor Bridge and Construction Company While the Pittsburg contingent was waiting for a switch engine the mob around the train quickly swelled till fully a thousand men were jeering and threatening those aboard A general rush for the new commissioners was made jnst as Inspector Uuut with two pitrol wagoos full of police dashed up and charged into the uiob John Flynn and Edward Wilcox two of the leaders of tho strikers were arrested ALL PAVINC CUTTERS Ordered Out to bupport the striking (Juarrymeu Nkw Yi-KK May general striKe of over 15(H) men connected with the Paving Cutters' National Union was ordered Ibis morning hy the exec utive committee of the union's national conference The strikers represent nearly all of the stone cutters and handling trades of this ci'y There was au effurt made to supply the places of the s'rikers with outside men but it was useless The contractors declare that they are balked and do not know how to extricate themselves from their present position The stiike has extended to Brooklyn and over 50(1 pavers and stone cutters are reported to be out in that city Strikes have also been ordered in Albiny Troy Philadelphia Pittsburg and other cities There Is hardly an Important city in the country which the i utteruien declare is not directly affected hy the present strike To-day's strike was ordered in support the strike of the quarrymen In New England against the employers which was begun a week ago The River and Harbor Appropriation Bill Washington May Tbe Home passed the river and harbor appropriation bill 180 to 65 Better Teas from China Vancoctee May 9 Advices by the steamer Empress of China say that the Chinese government becoming alarmed at the rapid decrease in the sales of Chinese teas owing to the preference tor those of India and Ceylon has strongly exhorted the peo pie to use all possible care to improve the quality of tbe tea CONDENSED TELECRAMS Alfred Howard who was arrested in New York on the charge of absconding with $6000 belonging to the Boston Steam Heating Company was surrendered to-day to a Boston detective and taken back to that city Harry McCloskey the twelfth victim of the Philadelphia Central Theater fire died in tbe hospital this morning James Pigeon and William Hinchcliffe who were injured at the fire are still in a precarious condition Tbe published statement tbat Mr Coleman Drayton met bis wife on the steamer La Bourgogne at New York yet torday and escorted her to her home if positively deoled this morning Hr Drayton it is said has not seen bis wife since her arrival The big open air horse show of the United Stales Horse and Cattle Show Society began this forenoon at tbe society's grounds 155 th street and Eighth avenue New York city The show will last throughout tbe week There have been erected two grand stands with 10000 reserved seats and two open stands with seats for 15000 persons The friends of Charles Plnkbam ex-president of tbe Bank of Harlem of New York state that he will be bailed this afternoon He is at present confined in the Tombs These friends claim that the'pres-ent prosecution is an effort by criminal proceedings to secure the payment of obligations he has never denied He will he able to justify the confidence of his New England and other friends in bis personal Integrity PROVISION MAKKKT New York May I) Flonr Satea 11375 packages dull and eauy Sales 2170000 bushels: advanced a1 on unfavorable weather West reacted Vb a 3e on realizing Coin- Bales 800000 bushels advanced 2 2Va on short interest reacted V8 i Oats-Sales 330000 bushels firm Vfctt up fairly active Ik-i uuiet Pork moderate demand and steady Lard firmer and quiet Butter quiet and steady Cheese fair demand and steady Siijrur (raw) dull aud steady Petroleum steady Turpentine quiet Molasses quiet Rice fair demand Freights flrro KosTn Arm Tallow quiet NEW YOKK COTTON MAKKET New York May Cotton futures opened quiet and steady May June 728 July 73H Aug74l Sept 755: Oct 746: Kor 773 lec 783 Jan 796 Feb 804 New York May Cotton Uplands 788 Orleans 734- Sales 1086 bale Futures closed dull sales 67200 bales May 719 June 7-25 July 784 Aug 743: Sept 751: Oct 760 Not 770 Dec 780 Jan 790 Feb 800 Sparring Contests Denounced The recent announcement that tbe New Bedford Athletic Association was making arrangements foi another prize fight for a purse of $700 at their rooms iu tbe near future has caused a stir in religious circles in that city and the members of tho North Congregational church will use every effort to prevent a repetition of the exhibitions which have been given duriug the winter months without the slightt-st attempt at interference on the part of the police Iu his sermon yesterday Kev A Mao-Coll denounced these glove contests as scenes which were as brutal and barbarous as any which ever disgraced the Roman amphitheaters lie declared there ought to he enough moral backbone in the commo-nitv to brand all such exhibitions kindred to the prize fight as legally outlawed A resolution was adopted charging the civil authorities with wiukiog at the open de-tUnee of the law and a copv was ordered sent to Mayor Ashley Pending the passage of the resolution tho word astonishment" (of the resolution makers at the Indifference of the police in allowing such exhibitions to take place? was objected to a misleading Ltie speakers saying that uo one need feel astonished at anything the present admlils-t ration tolerated A motion to amend was aubsf lently withdrawn The Plymouth high school occupied the new $40ooo school house fr the first time mi Monday Tbe building is of brick with marble and granite trimmings tbe latter being U't'd in the courses It measures 186 feet i inches hy 87 feet 6 inches on the ground The furniture is of cherry with automatic folding seats 168 in number at present Speaking tubes and electric hells run to all class rooms from the platform of the principal Iavid Hay has been appointed keeper and Joseph Hemsen assistant keeper ot the I'ghuhlp at Nantucket New South Shoal and Andrew Sandsbory keeper of the light station at liraut Point Mrs Tfellman 'J I Inn StreetaJanesvUle Wis under date nt June Hi wilted the followm Kenyon A Thomas Sir: I wm con lined to my bed Mr months wl inllnimmi Inn of i lie rlcht ov-av hud a pbyniciin nd nte-l almost veiv'liiiig but ert very tittle lp until I i lied wmr hr Hale's r'olu ointment alNiit four months aeu It in- ne wonder lur uir U-an do quit a -d 'I Y' work I 1 1 1 vi- ii cry rra-on to In it it ill entire-l (-tire me into nii mil nir I Hale's tlometiulu Tej vutn eii iiit sitieen: VimiS Mh- Wn MMAN This great medicine Is lor vale at liRAi- 's 1 lintnitv Hloek Cor roc-asset ot NEW ENGLAND HAPPENINGS The Bangely Lakes are now clear of ice The last went out yesterday One hundred stone cutters at Heywood Pierce's quarry in Frankfort Me have been called out Otis Faulkiugham'a house at Jonesport Me was nroken into last night and robbed of $160 Chloroform was used on the inmates The hay and grain store house of Jacob A Ham near the highland railroad station Woburn was burned this forenoon It was owned by John Winn and John Johnson Loss on buildiDg $1500 on contents about the samfl amount insured James Black aged So while on his way home from Eastport to Lubeck Me was capsized off Shackford's Head and drowned This makes 25 similar fatal accidents which have occurred in the same part of Passama-quoddy bay in the last 20 years A tenement house at Lyndon Vt owned by the Hall estate was burned early this morning also a house near by belonging to George Ide The Hall house was occupied by four families who lost nearly all their effects One man aud his wife and child barely escaped suffocation The Ide house was occupied by one family who had S500 insurance on their furniture This house was insured for $900 The total loss is about $4000 MONET AND STOCK MARKET New York May Noon -Money on call casv at 1 2'a'2 per cent Prime mercantile paper 314:475 Exchange quiet and steady actual rate for tU) davs: for demand posted rates 487M)8H Government bonds dull and steady to firm 49 registered 1164 coupon 1 1 V4 100 Railroad bonds quiet and firm Pacific 6e 1 01) In the stock market after 11 o'clock prices again ielaed and in some cases turtuer con cessions were made beyond those of the first hour Fuctuaiions were confined to small fractions and there was no activity except in Chicago (as The dealings remained barren of feature and at noon was quiet and fairly steady generally at small fractions below first prices liar silver H7V4 AT THE ACADEMY Roland Reed This distinguished actor will present his latest bit Lend Me Your Wife" at the Academy this evening It has been one of the few genuine hits of the season An exchange says All the fuu hinges on a breath-taking proposition of a friend to a friend which is outlined in the title ('apt Abner Tarbox has a daughter and a nephew These two are- in love but the old man opposes the match and sends the latter lo New York to hunt a wife threatening to cut off his allowance if he fails to marry Dick goes to Gotham creates a wife in bis fertile imagination marries her and keeps the old man informed of the progress of his affairs even telling him of the birth of a son The announcement of the Fudden arrival of the captain upsets IMck and to carry out the deception he borrows his friend's spouse The complications that resuit are ludicrous Mr Keed impersonait a gruff crusty hot tempered old sea captain with the same ease ami naturalness that characterizes his as- uinption of other light comedy roles Ton Hint See This The minstrel event of the year will be given at the Academy tomorrow and Wednesday night and if you arc a lover of good minstrelsy a friend of the 0 A It or both you cannot alTord to miss this great treat Nearly lour score artists will participate and those who have seen the rehearsals predict one of the most satisfactory minstrel show ever gi ven in Fall River See adv and secure tvkeis at once Subscribe To Night Don't forget thai ih) subscription list for the concert next Saturday will close upon the receipt of thos names which are sent in this evening In spite of the fact that Saturday is an unfavorable day for a great concert to be given her'' there is every indication that our citizens appreciate the magnitude of the affair and that a tine audience will be in attendance The enthusiasm of those who attcndt the New Bedford festi val 1 the magnificent work of the orchestra has been of gteat assistance to the local manager and in- programme sent on by Manager Stewart i equal to any which has over been offered 111 our city DO NOT UK KIVKD Persons with wak lungs those who are constantly calcium eld rdmuld wear an Al co*ck's Pokoi I'hsteb over the chest and another lietwcen tie' shoulder blades during old weather Rriiieiiiber the always Ht re up then ami never weaken the part to which ihey arc applied l)o he deceived bv imagining any other plaster like tbcm thev arc not- may look it but look- deceive Insist always on having Ailcoi k's he only reliable plaster ever produced Kemp's Halnani slop the eoutrh at once Is Tour Nrv 8tHd' Or do you tremh'e and eel tint no breaking' I hat 011 1 nervous Kystem tiMlnu way? If yoi have a weak nervous nvsteni the iwst thin? you 1I0 is to heel 11 n-iav ulng Or Male's Household Tea It the MmM Nerve Tonic known and will restore you to health and vigor Don't delay (in a tree sample today nt (' Bradv's 1 tiranit'-Itlock Cor 1'ucasse: Street atASttsU.

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.