The Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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Springfield, Massachusetts

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14 I Holyoke News of the Day News and Advertisem*nts 206 High St Telephone 8224 ater Commissioners Have St Jerome Basketball Team that the commis '3 and direc In the Kibitzer's Corner HOLYOKE PERSONALS 9 In the ield of Holyoke Sports dis of Madison avenue 1130 Til 3H 10 HOLYOKE OBITUARY 3 TIL 6 Martin L0RSHE1M Members of the Bridge PRICES st HOLYOKE 19 HIGH STREET 1 1 OK 3l t7 1 AMILY SHOE so of Children at All Times to of cases Edgar work done the city are not in to the report the Armory riday night bring the largest crowd basketball game here this locals will have the hall their own rooters while i promises to bring the Edward Kelly and Mrs The club will meet next home of Mrs Seymour Pleasant street and Al Mrs ine pro with department ice on Ash the recom department was in orestdale Holyoke Jan 26 Paul Bensi venni of 20 Saratoga street Spring field driving on Lower Main street last night skidded and struck a pole He bit his tongue severely and went to the Providence hospital where he was attended by Dr Sullivan the unto him I Casey and each The sim Holyoke Jan 25 St Jerome high school basketball team is practicing daily for its game riday night with St Michael's high school team To date the team has won one and lost Miss lore Lescault and Mrs A Lavoie received the prizes for the high scores yesterday afternoon when Mrs Arthur Hebert entertained mem bers of Le Cercle Intime at her home in Suffolk street ollowing the cards tea was served by the hostess The club will meet again in two weeks when Mrs Ephraim Bissonnette of ranklin street will be the hostess THE SPRINGIELD DAILY NEWS SPRINGIELD MASS: WEDNESDAY JANUARY 26 1938 itzGibbon and Dr Honoria will have charge of the eb meeting the subject to be of Hitchco*ck from Chicago conference of of the deceased and Wil Thomas Ritchie and John Burial Gloria daughter of Mr and Mrs Arthur Phaneuf South Bridge street was operated on for appendicits at Holyoke hospital this morning Albert Bollenbach street has returned where he attended a the Walther League of the Lutheran Churches in the United States two games but Coach Johnny Gaughan believes the experience of the last two games has fitted his ag gregation with the essential to again break into the win column Mrs Clara Jane widow of Joseph this afternoon at son Donald of 44 Rev Percy Rex were William and school gymnasium and pool the Sargeant street school Members of the Junior Girl Reserves met today at the Holyoke hospital under the direction of Miss Lucy Ir win activity secretary of the A to make cotton balls and band ages Miss Dorothy uller of Mount Holyoke college is advisor of the club the high swimming Convert building into a combined gymnasium and shop building under WPA Increase the number of school buildings that are certified by the Massachusetts Department of Public Safety Restore the no school signal Reestablish the position of super visor of adult alien education on a full time basis Employ a part time teacher for speech defectives Provide a program of dental super vision either through the establish ment of a dental clinic or the employ ment of a dental hygienist Set up a program of educational and social guidance for high school pupils Revise list of pupils allowed fre'e transportation and endeavor to re duce this item of school expense Respectfully submitted WILLIAM PECK Superintendent of Schools Holyoke Jan The regular monthly meeting of the Holyoke Bus iness and Professional Women's club was held last night at the Hotel Roger Smith with Mrs Elsie Terry Levin world traveler as guest speaker Her Subject was "The Background of the Sino Japanese War" in which she traced the history of China and Japan and the characteristics of both the Chinese and Japanese peoples and ex plained the many problems entering into the conflict now raging in China Dr Grace itzGibbon presided and reports on the recent state board meeting in Worcester and the success ful card party conducted by the club last week were given by Miss Mabel Judd and Miss Helen Connor The latter reported in the absence of Miss Gertrude Yoerg general chairman for the affair Invitations were received from the Business and Professional Men's club of South Hadley alls to attend a dinner in the alls Congregational church Monday and also from the Business and Professional Women's club of ranklin county to a meeting in the Mansion house Greenfield on ebruary 15 Atty Gen Paul Dever will be the speaker in South Hadley alls Dr Shine ruary "Health1 Holyoke Jan 26 The Holyoke Council of Social Workers last night held its annual meeting at the Skinner clinic of Holyoke hospital reports on the work of last year were given by the various officers Officers elected for the coming year are: President Edward Jacot vice president Mary Roberts secretary Samuel Weingarten treasurer Eva dine Cady chairman of ways and means committee Mrs Winifred er guson chairman of membership com mittee Alice Kemp program Mary Roberts Dr Nels A Nelson director of genito infectious diseases of the state depart ment of health addressed the council and described ways and means of erad icating syphilis and gonorrhea He outlined numerous steps that are at present being taken to successfully control it in this state committee was follows: Edward Judd Harlan I Dennett Ernest Other officers elected are: Silsby treasurer Trenor collector Albert Webb Sacred Heart defending their Pa rochial league crown won their fourth straight in that league last night at the expense of the second place St high team The visitors from 'Hamp played a good defensive game hut their inability to connect with their set shots spelled defeat for them The score at the end of the first period read 4 3 in favor of the Hearts at half timeit was 13 6 and at the final whistle it was 27 20 Cocaptains Tisdell and Higgins played good ball for the winners while the work of Garrity and Charliebois stood out for St Michaels The Elmwood Lodge quintet co Iead ers of the second round of the Hol yoke City league entertain the strong Pulaski club of Easthampton at the Joseph Metcalf school gym at 8 to night A fast attraction is looked for Eight Holyoke teams are entered in The Daily News basketball tourna ment which starts next month and looking over the players lists of the different teams we expect that they will all make a good showing The more likely looking aggregations from this city are the Highland A with Holyoke Jan 26 Had a fine time last night at the of Grand Knight Schindler has a fine working committee right ly start to finish and provided a entertainment for the guests Met Coach Eckley of Amherst fellow Between supper and gram time had a fanning bee Bill Keating and Ned Barry partici pating Ran the gamut of sports from baseball to football to track and remi nisced pleasantly of other days "when you and I were young and hip pads and spiked shoes were part of our accoutrement On the program was Herb Scott and his talking picture machine showing a baseball feature "Heads Also Clo vis Camerlin in solos and Johnny Duffy at the piano It was a splendid night for father and son combinations Many of the dads took their offsprings to the smoker Now that Nature has made up for our neglect in caring for the streets all start fresh again and keep the snow storms under control Ex pected a lot of damage in the city yesterday but Holyoke was fortunate Supt Peck raises question of storm signal for use in the city in his an nual report of today There should be some sort of signal we agree but what kind? There's the rub In former years we had the fire alarm bell toll but we went to school just the same irst row left to right: rancis Sullivan rancis James Quinn Edmund Curran and John Griffin Second row same order: Edward Maurice Gerves Raymond B'Lisle and Richard Sul livan Third row same order: James Vaughan Elmer rancoeur and James lynn HEREUX ADMITS LARCENY CHARGE HOLYOKE HOLDS SPORTS NIGHT Im re the by Peck Superintendent ANNUAL MEETING SOCIAL WORKERS Rev dean Hermas president Joseph Thura rt Royal Blue Cobalt Dinnerware To Onr Lady Patrons Epistolary Attack and Go Into CLUB HAS MONTHLY MEETING ANNUAL ROLL CALL HOWARD COURT put off buying your lor sheim Shoes because whileyour selection is not limited your time is! These famous say ing events come but twice a and they don't last long OPEb THURSDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS THOMAS DOOLING Thomas Dooling of 22 Davis street died at the Providence hos pital this morning after a short ill ness He was born in Holyoke and had lived in this city all his life He had been employed by the board of public works for 20 years He was formerly representative in the second district serving two terms in Boston He leaves several cousins in this city The funeral will be held at the Dil lon funeral parlors SALARY IS GIVEN A BOOST MISSJIIGALI HONORED "AT DINNER BRIDGE SPRINGIELD DRIVER INJURED IN CRASH reply the state department re ferred to its letter of September 1935 relating to WPA projects on Water sheds in the state in which 'ft advised that nd workmen be employed oh the watersheds except those 'working for the improvement of the water supply The reply with advice that permission to cut ice oh thereservoirs should be denied As a "re sult the petitioners Mr Bray and Mr rank Moss were refused permission tp harvest ice from the reservoirs and tvere so notified Subsequent similar petitions from Mr Carpentier and the Whiting farm were also refused inally a petition received from the welfare department to cut ice for the City hpmfwas received and also Greatly to the surprise of the wa iter commissioners ths evening papers of the following the refusal Jan uary 5 1938 carried in large head lines the story ths ice for the City home could be cut oil the Holyoke reservoirs and that water departmentemployes who were inoculated against typhoid and were aiso non carriers of the disease' would do the work This surely was news to the Water comissioners and officials of the de partment none of whom were consul ted on the matter directly or indi rectly At the regular meeting of the board on January 7 a letter was received from the state department dated Jan uary 5193S stating that a verbal re quest had been received from his honor the mayor for the advice and approval of the state department rela tive I to cutting of ice by employes of the water department from Ashley pond for use only at the City home The letter continued that' it was the understanding of the state board that employes of the water department had been examined and found not to be carriers of typhoid organisms letter further continued that the state department saw no objec tion to cutting ice for the City home £roviding it was done by the employes I he next meeting will be ebruary at odds over the cutting of ice on thecity reservoirs The mayor maintains that the ice for the city home could be cut with approval of the state de partment of health by water depart ment employes while the water com missioners maintain it would be ille gal and persons so employed would have no redress if injured while at work The statement of the water com missioners is as follows: The board of water commissioners is reluctant to engage in newspaper controversy concerning the merits ordemerits of its official actions In particular it desires to avoid criti cism implied or expressed of other public officials of high or low degree whether located in the city hall or atthe State 'House in Boston Nevertheless recent news items re lating to water department affairs as given to the press seem to require at this time a statement by the board water commissioners to clarify its action in granting permits to cut ice on Ashley ponds ew water departments in the com monwealth have enjoyed mbrg pleas ant business relations with'the offi cials of the state department of health than has the Holyoke water depart merit over a long term of years and by no other water board are these more highly esteemed for their professional ability uniform courtesy and unimpeachable integrity than by the Holyoke board of water commissioners The Holyoke water "board has'the greatest respect for theMassachusetts state department ofpublic health has sought and acted upon its advice and will continue to seek its counsel and carry but Its recommendations Petitions to harvest ice bn the Ash ley reservoir received by the water board earl in December 1937 were referred to the state department first the purpose of learning the gen eral attitude of the state 'department on the matter and second in the event that permission tp harvest iceShould be granted by the water com missioners what sanitary conditions and measures of precaution should be taken while ice cutting was in pro In fact they were some of the best days we had in school To prevent a recurrence we suggest the school doors he locked when storm signal is sounded Let the teachers stay home as well Has anyone any idea of how South Holyoke can be given a playground? If so let him call at the mayor's of fice or confer with aidermen of the ward It is the only section of the city without a playground Of course the city could buy up a lot of property and construct a playground But that would be too expensive a proposition There must be some solution to the problem Billy Gleason proprietor of the Lin coln newsroom says he left his skates behind the stove and heat took the temper out of the steel We think the whole story is a Just put the skates on Billy and try the figure eight you'll he surprised how quickly you'll discover your temper Glad to report that Kibitzer McMahon is re covering rapidly from his pneu monia The Dinner ail associaticfh sort of faltered when Charlie was taken ill Expect him back with us before the filialoos show up again at erry And now comes the solemn moment when no levity is allowed and the rest of the day depends upon counter man You guessed it coffee time And woe who prepares it if it is not to our liking Abyssinia ST JEAN BAPTISTE COUNCILS INSTAL Holyoke Jan 26 Rev Ronald Tam blyn pastor of irst Congregational church was granted an increase in salary of $500 at the annual parish meeting held last night The prudential elected as chairman Bishop Dudlev Tilley clerk financial committee Harlan I Dennett chairman every tnan can vass comitt ee George Doane chairman music committee George AV Doane chairman Philip Judd and Mrs Streeter trustees red Partridge chairman James AV Wakelin Philip Judd and Clif ton Tilley auditors William Thorpe and Arthur Smith The general committee in charge of the Valentine Card party to be held ebruary 15 under the auspices of the Division 5 of Hibernians met last night to complete plans for the affair John Shead heads the committee with John Norris secretary and Thomas Barrett treasurer Contract and auction bridge straight whist and 45 will be played Crowey of Pittsfield The bearers were Michael Duggan Harry Kennedy James Mack Michael Leary and Pat trick and Martin Sweeney Burial was in Calvary cemetery Rev Mc Graw Rev Shaughnessey Rev Walsh and Rev Crowley officiating at the grave The funeral of Mrs Kate Schoen was held this afternoon at the funeral chapel with services by Rev Dr Robihson The bearers were Norman Harold and Raymond Dupis grandsons liam Goss AV right cemetery The funeral of (Cook) Sowden Sowden was held the home of her Norwood terrace officiated Bearers Donald Sellars Robert Hunter rank Lyall Roderick Bramham and Ritchie Burial was in orestdale cemetery died this rnorn his niece Mrs of 339 Newton alls after a made his home with his niece for the past 28 years He leaves five nieces Mrs Turgeon and Mrs Belle Demers and three nieces in Canada The funeral will be held at the Dillon funeral parlors Rye Whiskey Ninety Proof Qt $165 Mrs Kelly entertained the Tuesday Afternoon bridge club yes terday at her home in Pine street Prizes were won by Mrs Kellv Mrs John Regan week at the Vershon in $045 A higher he did powers only ad Mr and Mrs James daughter have returned to Boston and Mr and Mrs Henry Savage to New York after spending a few days at the Dowling home in Lincoln street ROBERT BOLDUC Robert Bolduc seven month old son of Maurice and Mary (Bennet) Bolduc of 229 Park street died this morning at Providence hospital Be sides his parents he leaves a brother Richard The funeral will be held at John Shea funeral parlors tomor row afternoon at 3 Burial will be in Calvary cemetery News and Advertisem*nts 206 High St Telephone 8224 Sat Mat Is Pay Day to All You Children The funeral of Inigo Jones of 26 North Main street was held this aft ernoon at the home with services by Rev Theodore Bacheler The bearers were Gordon Robert Ronald and Al fred Boutelier Clarence Blake and George Brailey Burial was in Vil lage cemetery 1 The funeral of Patrick McAlpin of 1465 Dwight street was held this morning at the Dillon funeral parlors followed by a solemn high mass of lequiem in Holy Cross church Rev Dr John Ivefs was celebrant Rev Leon AIcGiaw deacon and Rev John Manning master of ceremonies with Rev James Ruddy acting as sub deacon Seated within the sanctuary were Rev Dr McCarthy Rev Paul Shaughnessey Rev Edmund Walsh of Rosary parish and Rev Holyoke Jan 26 Holyoke council Knights of Columbus held Sports night last night the program con sisting of a chicken pie dinner the showing of moving pictures and a talk on baseball by Paul Eckley coach at Amherst Two vocal selections were given by Clovis Camerlin with John Duffy pre siding at the piano Coach Eckley brought out the fact that the play ground system was a great developer not only physically but of character as well and set himself on record in favor of playgrounds especially in the congested areas George lynn was introduced as master of ceremonies for the night by Grand Knight Paul Schindler Mr lynn Introduced Ned Barry noted football and track official who told a few stories and then introduced the principal speaker Herbert Scott local automobile dealer showed the baseball picture "Heads which portrayed the his tory of baseball had short talks by the stars' of the present day and sev eral scenes from last year's world series About 250 enjoyed the evening Hamilton were wit 500 members and National Secretary Woonsocket I were present from CERCLE PASSE TEMPS HAS DINNER MEETING Holyoke Jan 26 Officers of six councils of the St Jean Baptiste so ciety of this city and AVillimansett were installed last night at joint in stalation exercises in the quarters of tne society in tne Hotel building The ceremonies nessed by nearly guests including George ilteau of Large delegations surrounding cities Secretary ilteau headed the in stalling officers who included: Mrs Wilfred Beaudry Louis Therrien of Northampton Mrs Adelard Seymour of Westfield Dr A Deslaurier of Chicopee alls Mrs Hida Rheaume Airs Alfred A Gilbert and Mrs Albina Hamel of this city The master mistress of the ceremony were phonse Cote of Springfield and Minnie Martin of this city The following are the councils the officers of those installed: Conseil No 1 Spiritual director Geileon ontame dean leury honorary Damour president Eddie Lafranaye vice president Doria Parenteau sec retary Ephrem Lavallee assistant secretary Rolland arledeau treas urer Emile Laflamme precepteur Herve leury auditors Theophile Bes sette Philias Leclair master of cere monies Joseph Emard visitors to the sick Odilon Moreau and Napoleon La trenaye director of childrens Eddie Lafrenaye physician Dr 'leury Conseil Marchand Spiritual tor Rev Julien Ginet dean Joseph Grenier honorary president rank Tourville president AVilfred Beau dry vice president Arthur Larose secretary Romeo Beaudry assistant secretary Aristide Lefebvre treasurer Herve Bergeron precepteur rancis AV Lefebvre first commissioner ordi nances Paul Grenier second commis sioner ordinances Alphonse Bisson auditors Leo Cotnols and Ulric Pre vost sick and visiting committee Ar mand Gariepy and Roland Desnoyers: master of ceremonies Alfred Larose physician Dr Ernest A Mandeville Conseil Perpetual Spiritual di rector Rev Joseph Marchand hon orary president Dyzelie Belanger president Rosalie Provost vice presi dent Mary Lajoie secretary Rose Anna Germaine treasurer Corineo Bechard master of ceremonies Lucy Smith dean Philomene Roy first commissioner ordinances Ide Sarra zin auditors Rosalie Provost and Rose Anna Germaine cases Mary Lajoie sick and visiting com mittee Corinne Bechard and Mary La joie physician Dr Ernest A Mande ville Conseil Immaculate Conception Spiritual director Rev Jean Ginet honorary president Mrs lorina Mar tell dean Mrs Mederise Racine presi dent Mrs Anie Blain vice president Airs Cecilia LaBelle: secretary Miss Annette Menard assistant secretary Miss Angeline Authier recorder Mrs Laura Demers treasurer Mrs Cor inne Gilbert mistress of ceremonies Airs Adelaide Authier auditors Airs Aldora Lapointe and Aliss Germaine Lafrancois commissioners Airs Delia Page Aliss Alice Alenard directors of fund Aliss ernande Alen ard sick visiting committee Airs Cor delia Perrault and Airs Eliza Lemieux Conseil Alarie Agnes Spiritual di rector Rev Gideon ontaine presi dent Airs Reine Rondeau honorary president Airs Justine Langelin dean Airs Delia Parenteau vice president Mrs Elise Viens recording secretary Aliss Delxna Rondeau treasurer Airs Lydia Cote secretary Airs Armenie Grenier assistant secretary Airs Alex andrine Alandeville inspectors Airs Anette Hamel Aliss Herminita Cote commissioners Airs Odina I aftc ur and Airs Alarie Louise Dcslongchamps sick committee Airs Demerise Lalamme director of children's aid Airs Alber tine uette mistress of ceremonies Aliss Ida Belanger Conseil St Louis de rance of Wil limansett Spiritual director Rev A Simard dean Leo Bernier honorary president Airs Oglore Benoit presi dent Rudolph Paul vice president Arthur Brunelle secretary Miss Leona Allain treasurer Airs Jeanne Allain auditors Alfred Paul and Henri Allain mistress of ceremonies Aliss Alma Beaulieu: director of children's aid Edward Berthiaume commission ers Aliss Cecile Benoit and Aliss Altona Charron Holyoke Jan 26 A city wide provement in school buildings is ported in the annual document of school department as prepared Supt of Schools William This improvement Peck says is due to the personal in terest and attention of Mayor Yoerg and the more efficient and prompt handling of requisition by the public works department Notwithstanding the school buildings of the good shape according and the list of repairs needed is a dis couraging one An urgent appeal is made for immediate renovation of the high school either through direct funds or a WPA project The latter proposition has already been approved but because of the cost to the city of materials the work has not been done A major loss of 421 pupils was noted in the census for last year the decline being in all schools except the Vocational department of training which seems to be more in demand now than ever Elimination of the salary contribu tions has stepped up the per capita cost and Holyoke is now sixth among the 39 cities of the state In the ele mentary schools it cost $9031 to edu cate a pupil last year as against a state average of $8724 The budget for the coming year will be less than last year due to economies instituted by the school de partment Recommendation is made to institute a signal system and explanation made of several de vices used in other communities The report continues: "During the coming year we have high hopes of setting up an effective program of social educational and vo cational guidance "at the high school This will involve diagnosis of individ ual needs and abilities conferences with sympathetic teachers and sur veys of training programs and occu pational opportunities The school to day is not abandoning youth at the door of the schoolhouse on Com mencement day but is seeking des perately to guide him into a useful self reliant and satisfactory life "Other types of work which have never received proper emphasis in Holyoke and which we sincerely hope may be approached this year are lip reading for the hard of hearing cor rection of speech difficulties and a day class for deaf pupils AVe espe cially favor the employment of a part time teacher for speech correction inally to help meet the tremen dous demand which exists among the young people of the city for indoor recreational facilities during the win ter months we again suggest that the abandoned Sargeant street school building in South Holyoke be con verted into a combined gymnasium and shop building under a WA proj ect It is too little realized how eag erly our youth seek places to play their games during the winter sea son and how little the city has to of fer them The gymnasiums at the Lawrence and high school annex buildings though in constant use are not enough to meet the situation The auditorium of the Joseph Metcalf school poorly adapted as it is has been practically converted into a gym nasium under the WPA recreation program and is open every night A recreational center is needed in each of the five sections of tne city Sa re ea nt street school offers a pie and economical solution of this problem in the South Holyoke dis trict and the opportunity for inaugu rating a constructive program in the supervision of youth Recommendations No report would be complete with out a formal set of recommendations The following are therefore respect fully submitted for your considera tion Renovate the high school building under a WPA project Correct the serious deficiencies at BENJAMIN RTII Benjamin McCarthy ing at the home of A Alphonse Turgeon street South Hadley short illness He had Stuttering Movietone News Cartoon be sent to Ashley ponds and harvest tne ice ror tne city nome Chairman McLean replied matter was entirely within the pro vince or tne board of water sioners and that it had been very carefully considered Having in mind the illegality of water works em ployes doing such work the chairman was firm in his stand that they should not do so This was the first and only request that was made for the use oi the water works employes oy me mayor In closing his honor threatened bring the matter to the attention tne state department According to the press and was informed that the the state department are visory and that the final authority rested with the water commissioners The board of water commissioners refused the request to use its em ployes to harvest ice for the City home for many reasons irst and' most important is that it is illegal Section 49 Revised Char ter reads "No sum appropriated for a specific purpose shall be expended for any other purpose" Harvesting ice for the City home does not come within the purposes for which water works funds are appropriated The boys do things up ynn was on the go from good Mrs Eva Bears is chairman 'for the social which will follow an early meeting of the Daughters of George to be held tomorrow night In Empire hall Today Thurs Norma Shearer Leslie Howard in and Bn nn driven plow of his own and could not obtain the use of one immedi ately the superintendent of the City home requested of Superintendent Gear that he be given permission to use horse drawn plows on the ice As the use of horses on the ice was positively forbidden by the board of water commissioners the supeerin tendent refused the request AVithin a few minutes ffie was 'called on the telephone by his honor the mayor and asked by what authority he refused to allow horses on the ice Informed by the superintendent that he was acting by authority of the water commissioners and carry ing out their orders a discussion fol lowed the substance of which was that his honor insisted that he had had the permission of the state board of health and as he was the chief executive of the city such rulings and orders on city business as he wished to make must be carried out Before Superintendent Gear had an opportunity to inform Chairman AIc Lean of this conversation which he very speedily attempted to relay his honor had called the chairman on the telephone in regard to the ice cutting Whereas in his conversation with Superintendent Gear a few minutes earlier his honor professed indigna tion that the rules of the board of water commissioners did not permit horses on the ice and would not be suspended for the convenience of the City home his conversation indig nantly expressed to the chairman was from a very different angle He demanded an explanation from the chairman as to why men not employes or the water were allowed to harvest ley Ponds contrary to mendations of the state He reminded the chairman frequently that he was the chief executive and that his wishes must prevail He de manded that water works employes MAIN ST OPP SO HOLYOKE ENGINE HOUSE Package Store With Better Service' Til Close 2O Kistner Tom Brooksbank and Daytel the A'arsity ive with Tom Kelly and Sattler while the Elmwoods have Dave Cavanaugh Archie Ber trand and Ed Bowler to carry their colors The Holyoke Northampton game to oe played at promises to to witness a 1 season The packed with Northampton greatest throng that have followed them in many years This contest will either make or break the locals chances of annexing the A'alley league crown A'ocational traveled to AA'estficld and defeated St last night by a score of 42 31 Turcotte elon gated Beaver center scored 22 of his teams points and played a great all around game AValt Golec also played well for the winners Rosary High beat Cathefiral at Springfield 32 to 26 Nictpon led the Rosarians in the point scoring column by getting 10 markers and aided by Bill Early who collected 8 HAMPDEN GIN Eighty ive Proof Distilled' by Hiram Walker Sons Pt 70c Qi $135 Miss Eleanor O'Connor of Upper Dwight street was hostess last night at a dinner bridge honoring Aliss Eva Rigali whose marriage to AI1 chael O'Rourke of Westfield will be an event of next month in Holy Cross church Guests were members of the AVinehester Bridge club The dining room was attractively ar ranged with A'alentine decorations in red and white In bridge honors went to Airs Arthur Kehoe of Northamp AIiss VZ IHX xuvsuav DllGtK club were guests last night of Aliss Elizabeth Shine of Nonotuck street Honors went to Airs Arthur Ryan and Miss Alice O'Connell Holyoke Jan One more claim against the city was recorded today when Patrick Shea of 21 Davis street Springfield entered a petition for injuries received December 24 in a fall on a sidewalk on Aliller avenue The police have been asked to inves tigate the condition of the sidewalk Aliss Lillian Terrien of Orchard street and Aliss Helen Trembly of AA lllimansett were hostesses last night for a dinner meeting and bridge of Cercle Passe Temps at A Tavern in Northampton street Dinner was served at a large dining table attrac tively decorated with small lighted candles to mark the place of each guest and a centerpiece of cut flow ers ollowing the dinner there was a brief business meeting after which bridge was played at four tables prizes for high scores going to Aliss Clemence Ducharme of AVillimansett and Aliss Lucille Beaudoin and Miss Grace Goulet both of Chicopee alls There was also a guest prize for Aliss Annette Vautrain of this city The next meeting will be ebruary 8 whenthe Alisses Eleanor and Atarguerite Perron of Springfield will be thehostesses Holyoke Jan 26 Howard court Alassachusetts Catholic Order of or esters last night held its annual roll call in hall with a large number of members attending Aliss Alargaret Ureran chief ranger as sisted by Aliss Alary Golden vice chief ranger were in charge Also taking part in the program were: Airs Alary Campbell Airs Alar garet Scanlon Airs Elizabeth Clark Airs Lena Shea Airs Louise Callahan Airs Eleanor Daly Aliss Ethel AIc Tiernan Aliss Anna AIcTiernan and Aliss Gertrude Creran Tonite Auction Circus We Buy We Sell un by the Carload ton Airs James Nolen and Eleanor Al O'Connor Miss Rigali was presented with a brown suede hand bag The club will meet again next week at the home of Airs Ray uiuiiu viancy Triangle Brand Will Pleate Your Also Your Pocketbook the ap City rea that tect the purity of the water supply the board after receipt of letter from "the state department reconsidered its former action and granted permis sion to the City home to harvest ice under the supervision of the board with the provision that no horses would be allowed upon the ice Sim ilar abtion was also taken in regard to other petitioners Notice of this action was given the petitioners on Saturday January 8 and on Alonday morning January 10 the home AVhiting farm and Air Carpentier jointly commenced work Air Bray and Air Moss jointly started a few days later The water department furnished the water: tight containers for the re ception of polluted matter from the workmen and instructed its watchmen to constatntly supervise the sanitary conditions According to Air Carpentier" an agreement was made whereby he was to furnish the motor driven equip ment and cut the ice while the City home would furnish run ways etc and laborers for loading Actual harvesting of ice commenced Tuesday January 11 and the labor ers furnished by the City home are said to have been recruited from the welfare lists of the relief department After what is reported as about 300 tons of ice had been hauled to the City home work was suspended on account of a snow fall of about five inches which interfered with the pnuxss oi cutting As Air Carpentier had Holyoke Jan 26 John He reux of 47 Samosett street charged with breaking and entering and lar ceny pleaded guilty when arraigned in district court today and was given a suspended sentence to 'Concord Two juveniles who accompanied him in his nefarious work received sus pended sentences also One other ju venile was committed to the Indus trial School for Boys on a charge of delinquency SHEA ILES CLAIM OR INJURIES to the state department 'Condition is that on account disagreeable taste of the water low service district the water department opened a six inch branch pipe from the feeder from the AIcLean Reservoir into the Rock Cut canal at Wright's pond together with increased run off of its watershed due to rains anil melting snows increased the ele vation of Wright's pond so that it reversed its usual direction of flow toward the intake and instead flowed toward and into Ashley pond or the same reason the level of Ashley pond raised until it overflowed the spill ways at the Southerly extremity of the reservoir It naturally follows that in that period of time during which the di rection of the current is from the intake toward the spillway no pollu tion entering the reservoir at its southerly end near the spillway loca tion can enter the intake pipes at the northerly end of the reservoir more than a mile distant On account of this new condition existing only while water is passing uc epumaj aim aiso Because state department conditionally proved the petition for the home based party on financial sons but mainly on confidence the water commissioners would Airs Paul Vincent last night enter tained the members of the Republican club at her home in Beech street Airs Alargaret A Green of this city Republican national committee woman was the speaker and she dis cussed the approaching state cam paign and told of the recent dinner meeting of the Republican club of Massachusetts at Boston Airs Vin cent president of the club spoke of the plans of the local junior unit to inaugurate a membership campaign The next meeting will be held in Wide Improvements in Holyoke Schools Noted in Annual Report With Much Work Still Needed OLD HOLYOKE Straight 2 lj Yaar Old Pt 85c DIAL B276 or' Prompt Delivery SHOESZ" Spencer Tracy Jean Harlow tn WJLJSUJBEMHRflHn Holyoke Jan 2 The water com 1 of the water department under the smfssioners and the mayor seem to be supervision of the ooard of water commissioners that suitable water tight containers be used for the re ception Of polluted matter from those employed and that no ice be cut within 500 feet of the water works intake This letter outlined all conditions under which the state department was willing to allow ice to be cut for the City home There were some other conditions however that the state department did not take into consideration or at least did not refer to in its letter One of these was the legality of using water department employes for the purpose requested Another condition not men tioned was the objectionable use of horses on the ice objectionable both on sanitary grounds and for the possi bility of horses falling though the ice and being drowned A third and very important condi tion did not exist until 'some weeks after the first petition to harvest Ice had been received and the matter re lerreu This of the in the Subj of the Cutting of Ice I fas nJOI MB I 4 9 A i 44 Ja I a I 1O CXI 1.

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Name: Trent Wehner

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.