The Brooklyn Citizen from Brooklyn, New York (2024)


DROWNS YOUTH: TERRORIZES BOROUGH Bolt Wrecks Giant Coaster at Brighton Beach. CHARITIES BOAT IS ALSO HIT Lightning Plays Havoc in Long Isl-' and City--Coney Scourged by Cyelonie Wind--Much 'Damage! Throughout the City. Yesterday's riolente storm, which reached almost cyclonic proportions, caused the deuth of a Brooklyn youth, shattered part of the "Chase Through the Clouds" scenic rnilway at Brighton Reach, and did considerable damage 10 trees and unfinished buildings throughout the borough. For more than twenty minutes the electric lights of the big buildings and all the surface cars and elevated trains glimmered as at night, and for five minutes the wind screeched at a sixty-three mile gait through the five boroughs, the little cyclone being of larger diameter than the visitation of Tuesday. 'The blast was from northwest, whence it dragged down a cheerful temperature.

The humidity Chad been uncomfortably high and the anercury lind gone up to 79 degrees. Ten minutes after the gale had got to work the thermometer marked 64 degrees. Lightning struck the big new scenic railway at Brighton Beach, known 26 the "Chase Through the Clouds," and tore down over 100 feet of the structure. The rain already had driven everybody off the amusem*nt device, which is uncovered for much of its length. and the part of 'it which fell over the marshes was considerubly remored from either buildings or roadways.

No one was injured. The railway is said to have a riding length of two miles. It extends Brighton Beach up toward Sheepshead Bay for' some distance and then turns back, doubling on itself. It was at this turn at the end nearer Sheepshead Bay that the lightning struck. For a distance of 400 feet and including the curve the structure crumpled up and then pitched sideways to the ground.

A trifling fire started at one point when the lightning struck, but did not burn enough to seriously affect the stability of the structure. The collapse appeared to be to the work of the lightning in splintering up a number of the wooden supports, aided by the heavy wind. The owners of the railway said their loss would be about $15.000. The storm caused the death drownling of one young man in Sheepshead blew down tents at Coney Island and benched a number of launches and small sailing craft along the Coney Island shore. The young man who was drowned was Matthew O'Connor, 19 vears old.

of No. 234 East Fifth street. He was out in a canoe in Sheepshead Bay with his 13- of Dooley street, Sheepshead. Bay, from The boys paddled back toward the a foot year-old brother Joseph and Eugene, Cleary, 15 years old. of No.

213 Enst Thirteenth street. when the storm broke. which they had started, When they were within 100 yards of the shore the canoe upset. Neither of the younger boys could swim. O'Connor got hold of his brother Joseph and swam with him to shore, while Cleary clung to the upturned canoe.

Leaving the boy he had rescued on the beach, O'Connor then turned back to get Cleary. When he had swum to within thirty feet or so of the second boy the older youth's strength gave out and he sank. Cleary was brought ashore by a volunteer life-saving crew. Matthew O'Connor's body was not found. Neither of younger boys was the worse for the drenching.

The wind caught up the sand of the beaches and swept it up Surf avenue with stinging force. sending 20,000 excursionists to shelter. Fred Thompson opened the ballroom of Luna Park and took in more than five thousand frightened persons. Eighty tents at Sea Gale were blown down and about a dozen bungalows nt the same place were carried off their foundations. A big two-masted fishing smack Wis half a mile offshore between Brighton.

Beach and Manhattan Beach at the time of the storm. She seemed to be in difficulties and pitched and rolled heavily, but sent up no distress signals. Late for the night. The sea was running high. last night was still at about the same point the, apparently had anchored A bolt of lightning played pranks with the Dutch Kills section of Long Island of St.

Patrick's Lyceum, on Radde street. City. It Arst. struck a in flagpole on the top The pole was splintered. On the opposite side of the street, in a vacant lot, were two tents that had been erected by some boys storm of started the they took refuge in the neighborhood.

When tents, but as it grew dark and the ning began to flash they became afraid and ran home. This was about five minutes before the flagpole was struck. A moment after the pole was struck the tents burst in flames, the bolt having lenped across the street after striking the dagpole. Just to the rear of the tents was building occupied by Mrs. William Heinberger as a delicatessen store and living apartment.

Mrs. Heinberger was in the room at the rear of the store and was startled by the crash following the striking of the pole. Before she could move she was. knocked down and rendered unconscious. Apparently the same bolt struck her house' that did the other damage.

Lightning struck the Charities Department stenmboat Thomas S. Brennan twice in the same place, namely, the walking beam, in the storm. and each time the bolt chased down the driving rods and other things to the engineroom. Between the two bolts the lighting and signal systems of the boat, were put out of business. The foot Thomas East S.

Brennan plies between, the of Twenty-sixth street and' Blackwkell's and Randall's Islands. The first bolt struck her as she was nearing the Metropolitan Hospital pier on Blackwell's Island with fifty men and women aboard who were on their way to visit patients in the hospital. Captain MeCarthy gave the signal for the slowing down for the pier and the signal heeded. He called down a speaking tube and Engineer Robinson told him that lightming had just dropped in and that the engineroom was in darkness and be was trying to find his way about to obey the signal. The lights, which had been ttirned on in the cabin of the storm, went out at the same tine and lie passengers got nervous.

After the passengers had been landed second bolt dropped into the engineroom and finished the dynamos. Henry Korhonen, of -Mineola, L. buried in- collapsing garage. His leg was broken and he has internal jujuries. He Nassau may die.

Hospital He was removed to the OLYMPIC THEATRE Court Formerly Ads mi Fulton and Myrtle. MONDAY 21. AT TE NOON, Opening of the Season, with THE BIGGEST BILLS VAUDEVILLE AND MOVING PICTURES Ever Offered at 10c PRICES NOT THE USUAL CHEAP VAUDEVILLE FAKE. High Class In Everything But Price, AMUsem*nTS- TWICE DAILY TEL. 8520 BUSH.


GIRLS NEW--Dally Mat. 25c. STELLA MAYHEW TEMPEST A SUNSHINE, BRIGHTON Family, Howard Bond Howard. Benton, 10 Bell Leo Brighton Beach Carillo, Keno Green, oths. Shubert Thea, B'way Howard Ave.

Twice Kinemacolor Motion Pictures -Col- Dally ored moving pictures of the Coro- 2.30.1 8.30 nation taken by Royal Command. 50c. STEEPLECHASE Coney's Tremendously Funny Place, America's Playhouse. Everybody Acts. EXCURSIONS.

R. I ISLAND, EVERY SUNDAY $1.50 Special train, with parlor car, leaves B'klyn, Flatbush 8.40; Nostrand 8.44. and ad East N. 8.48 A. for Montauk; thence by the steamer Shinneco*ck.

Lve. Block Island, returning. Tickets on sale, commencing Friday, at 120 B'way, 5th Ave, Bldg. (5th ave, and 23d st.) and Long Island R. R.

stations, foot 34th E. N. Long Island City and Brooklyn. Sale of tickets limited. The right is reserved to postpone the excursion and redeem tickets.

Music and refreshments on steamer. EXCURSIONS IONS Lake EVERY SUNDAY Hopatcong, and HOLDAY $1.00 09 Leave W. 23d St. 8.50: Liberty St. 9.00 a.m.

Atlantic City, $2.50 Tomorrow Leave W. 23d St. 7.50; Liberty St. 8.00 a.m. VIA NEW JERSEY CENTRAL HARD COAL! NO SMOKE! COMFORT' MEDICAL.

Skillful Specialist in Every WOMEN Aliment for Thirty Years, ADVICE FREE. Doctor's Hours 9 to 3 Daily. 210 West 21st St. PAWNBROKER SALES. L.

FIRISKI. AUCT' 70, BOWERY. sells at 10 m. Aug. 22---M.

Abraham, 102 Flatbush diamonds, watches, Jewelry, pledged prior July 22, 1910, to No. 7,400, all older dates. AuK. 23-A. J.

Heaney, 214 Atlantic diamonds, watches. jewelry. etc. pledged from May 10. 1910.

to July 13, 1910, Nos. 4,800 to 8,000, all older dates. Aug. 24-S. Goodstein Son, 279 Bridge diamonds, watches, jewelry, prior Aug.

1, 1910. to No. 50.000, all older dates. CENTRAL AUCTION CO. (M.

SHEEHAN, auct'r), 159 Canal New York sells jewelry at 11 a. Aug. 21-By McAleenan's, 469 Fulton Brooklyn, N. unredeemed pledges of diamonds, watches. jewelry, running from No.

9,020. June 17. 1910. to No. 10.980, July 21, 1910.

inclusive. and all goods held over from previous sales. JOSEPH SHONGOOD'S SONS (JULIUS Shongood, auct'r). 94 Bowery. sell at 10 A.

m. Aug. 22-Clothing, S. Cirker 111 Fifth ave. AUTOMOBILE INSTRUCTION.


Auto School Summer classes popular. Fifty new men enrolled in June. Special courses now for chauffeurs, owners. mechanics. truck drivers, salesmen.

Write for information and free ticket for trial lesson, Bedford ave and Monroe st. Every Woman interested and shonid know about the won erfal MARVEL Whirling Spray The Tow vagin*l By Best- Most lent. It cleanses instantly Ask your drugriet for it. I he cannot capply the accept no other, but send stamp for It give Tull partioniars and directions 7alnable to ladies. MARVEL CO.

44 East 23d Street, For sale in Brooklyn at 'Rilier's Drug Btora 456 Fulton Rubber Goods Lady At. tendent: and 1241 Broadway. Now Fork at Hegeman'a, 200 Broadway. K. OF C.

OUTING Will Be Held To-Morrow at Wits.el's Point View Island. One of the biggest fraternal outings of the year will be held under the auspices of Brooklyn Council, No. 60, Knights of Columbus, to-morrow. The steamer Acomack will leave Hamilton Ferry dock at 10:30 a. m.

sharp with the merry crowd of excursionists, for Witzel's Point View Island, where open athletic games will be held. Jimmy Archer, Matthew McGrath and other well known stars will exhibit their prowess benefit of the knights and their friends. A. baseball game between, the married and single men is scheduled. the former team many prominent men will be seen.

1 Peter Brogan, late' of the Mar. quettes, will catch and Harry Hughes. formerly of the Washington American League team, will shoot "em over" for the married men. Jack Hogarty, of Holy Cross College fame, will do the twirling for the bachelors and in the line-up of the single men will be found Eddie Duis making a special trin from Canada to gun, the premier jockey of A America, who attend this annual function. The music on the boat and at the grove will be furnished by St.

Vincent's Boys of forty pieces. Many men prominent in the civic and fraternal world will present. TIDE HAS TURNED. NEW HAVEN, Aug. a letter to a local acquaintance published to-day acknowledging the receipt of box of cigars, Congressman Oscar W.

Underwood, chairman of the House Committee on Ways and Means, recalled meeting with the sender during the Parker campaign. "The tidal ware was running against us said Underwood, "but believe it has turned our way and the strong probabilities are that we will win in the next national campaign." ADVISORY COMMITTEE In connection with the organization of the Brooklyn charter conference. at the rooms of the Brooklyn League, Temple Bar building. on Thursday night Elwin S. Piper.

the chairman, has appointed the following to act as an advisory committee: Philip Tilden, Clarence B. Smith. Albert: B. Firmin. Raymond Ingersoll.

Tohn F. Gels, George M. Wilson, Frank C. Baker. DRAKES BOOKKEEPING, SHORTHAND AND WRITING.

with A Guarantee of position to each graduate. Night session (take any hours), from 5 to 9 o'clock. START AT ONCE. SEND FOR CATALOGUE 154 Nassau New York. In Tribune Bide.

N. Y. Nr. Brooklyn Bridge. SUBWAYS mean millions to real estate owners.

but you have to own real estate to get part of the millions. WOOD, HARMON CO. INSTRUCTION. REAL ESTATE. DRAKES Brooklyn The scholarship.

school The stands for od of Instruction Law distinctive. Graduates MORt successful. Day School and evening classes, Degreee: 303 Washington St. 1.1. M.

and J.D. Brooklyn. N. Y. Send for catalogue, W.


Day and Night Sessions all summer. Individual instruction. Write. call 01 tole phone. Bookkeeping, Shorthand.

Typewriting. Telegraphy, Penmanship. General Studies. Begin any time. Positions secured.

OPEN ALL SUMMER HEFFLEY INSTITUTE. Commercial, Regents, Engineering Begin any day or evening. 243-240 Ryerson corner DeKalb and Grand aves. LAW SCHOOL. Evening School, N.

Y. City. NEW YORK DAY SCHOOL. 174 Fulton st. "Dwight Method" of Instruction.

LL B. Ir. two years; LL. M. In three years.

High standards. Send for catalogue. GEORGE CHASE, Dean. TO LET-FLATS. 2 ROOMS BATH $1.85 per week 3 ROOMS AND BATH $2.25 Per week All improvements; children's playground: janitor service.

NORMAN MODEL APARTMENTS 203 Norman Greenpolnt, Colonel Roosevelt visited our houses and praised them very highly. 388 EIGHTH NEAR SEVENTH AVE. Six light rooms and bath: steam heat and hot water: newly decorated: very clean. ELEGANT FLATS; ALL LIGHT: FINE neighborhood: rent $20; 685 Jefferson same flats at :10 Quincy st for $18. 171 EARL ST.

ALL CAR LINES. bridges, beautiful flats, all outside rooms; also bath, hot water, steam heat; $20. 375 PUTNAM AVE. NEAR MARCY: ELEgant flat. 6 rooms and bath; all light; steam heat.

hot water. $27. HELP WANTED--FEMALES CARE OF CHILD AND DO LIGHT HOUSEwork, in 8 family of two, a young girl; sleep in or out; good home: $8 to $10 A month. Call mornings or after 6 p. Grotty, 767 Union st.

CHAMBERMAID AND ASSIST IN WAITing. an experienced girl. Call at 67 Cambridge place. CHAMBERMAID (ASSIST) AND WAITress in a boarding -house. Call at 364 State street.

CHAMBERMAID AND WAITRESS IN A select boarding -house, an experienced colored girl. Call at 214 Park place. HOUSEWORK (GENERAL), IN A FAMILY of three, an experienced girl; must be good plain cook; wages $23. Mrs. Dinkelstiel, 796 East Twelfth Flatbush.

HOUSEWORK (GENERAL). IN A SMALL family. a girl. Call at 752 Westminster road, Flatbush. HOUSEWORK (GENERAL), A COMPETENT girl; sleep home; good reference required.

Call at 147 Sixth ave. HOUSEWORK (GENERAL) IN AN APARTment. a competent girl; sleep home. Apply at 922 Eighth ave. HOUSEWORK (GENERAL).

IN AN AMERIcan family, a competent girl. Call at 1516 Fifty-Arst Borough Park. HOUSEWORK (GENERAL), IN A FAMILY of two adults, an experienced girl; wages $16. Call at 671 East Seventeenth Flatbush. HOUSEWORK (GENERAL).

A COMPETENT girl; wages $20 to $22: city references required. Call at 655 Putnam ave. HOUSEWORK (GENERAL), IN A SMALL family, a competent girl. Call at 679 Seventh st. HOUSEWORK (GENERAL), A COMPETENT girl; good wages.

Call at 453 Stratford road. HOUSEWORK (GENERAL), IN A FAMILY of three adults. a Swedish or German girl; wages $25; reference required. Call at 837 Lafayette ave. HOUSEWORK IN A FAMILY of three in An apartment, 8 white girl: good wages.

Capron, 387 Ocean near Woodruff. HOUSEWORK (GENERAL). IN A FAMILY of two adults, a competent girl; must have good city references. Apply at 382 McDonough st. HOUSEWORK (GENERAL).

A COMPETENT colored girl. Apply at 583 Jefferson ave. HOUSEWORK (GENERAL). A COMPETENT girl; good reference required. Call at 776 East Seventeenth Flatbush.

HOUSEWORK (GENERAL), IN A FAMILY of four adults, a German, Swedish or Norwegian girl; wages $25; reference required. Call at 1506 Calon Flatbush. HOUSEWORK (GENERAL), IN A FAMILY of three adults, a girl: must be good cook; good reference required. Mrs. Quackenbush, 543 East Eighteenth Flatbush.

LAUNDRESS FOR TWO DAYS A. WEEK: competent colored girl: Apply at 315 Argyle road, Flatbush. TWO GIRLS: ONE AS COOK AND dress, the other as chambermaid and waitress: wages $25 and $20. Call at 152 West. minster road, Flatbush.


"MARBLE." BOX 118. 617 SIXTH BUTLER, AN EXPERIENCED MAN. APply at 67 Cambridge place, JANITOR. P. MARRIED GERMAN (NO children).

Ahlf, 225 Heyward st. PORTER IN A DRUG STORE, A COLORED man: references required. Schmidt, 1602 Cortelyou road. WAITER. AN EXPERIENCED COLORED man: must have reference.

Apply at 361 Jefferson ave. WAIT ON TABLE AND GENERALLY ful around house, a neat active colored man: good wages to right party. Calt at 112 Fort Greene place, MAN'S DRESS REFORM. Berlin Proposes Higher Hygienio Standard for Man's Attire. A "Men's Dress Reform Society" has been founded in Berlin, with the object of bringing masculine attire to a higher hygienic standard.

The society protests against the "air-tight armor of the starched shirt front, the cast iron rule of black frock coats for weddings and funerals alike and the general system of dress which inrolres the wearing of many tight -fitting garments each orerlapping the other. The society is greatly in favor ofeknee breeches for everyday wear in place of conventional trousers, which its members declare, require great skill in cutting and are source of considerable trouble to the trenrer. Stiff collars and cuffs are also taboo, NEW TWO-FAMILY. HOUSER: EVERY convenience: ready for occupancy: swell decorations: terms cany: park view. Hee 1510 Seventh F.

C. Sagter, Fifth corner Ninth st. FOR SALE -HOUSES. HOUSE. THREE LOTS.

garage; 12 rooms and two baths: gas, elec: Trie light. atcam heat: sale or exchange. 8109 Twenty '-accond ave. BARGAIN- APARTMENT HOUSE. 26X100: .370: price $19.000: only $2,000 CAN, munt sell Immediately.

Owner, 401 Jefferson near Sumner. RENT $420: PRICE THREE-STORY single fat--one or four: good Investment: 338 Irving near Gates. Janitor. FOR SALE. NEW HOUSE: 7 ROOMS: IM provements.

Including steam heat. hardwood trin: two blocks from station and trolley: high elevation: restricted property. lot 60x150: built for owners' uRe Address Owner. 38 Irving place. N.

J. TO -PARTS OF HOUSER SECOND FLOOR. 6 ROOMS AND BATH: in perfect order. rent $:0 to mmall family. See 6516 Eleventh ave near Fifty -sixth st.

F. C. Sauter, Fifth ave, corner Ninth st. DUPLEX HOUSE: UPPER PART. 8 LARGE rooms and bath electric light separate and, street number.

heat, Janitor service: $47.50. 4S Hampton place TO LET -FOREST PARK SECTION: SEC ond floor in two -family detached cottage newly decorated rooms, attle room storage room; separate furnaces; adults only: local telephone service free 310 Woodland ave. Woodnaven. PARLOR FLOOR AND BAsem*nT EIGHT rooms and two bathe 6 Parkside court decorated: steam heat. between Flatbush and Ocean aVeR overlooking Prospect Park.

346A GATES AVE. NEAR BEDFORD- -DE sirable lower part of sone house. owner: rent $80. TO LET-ROOMS. POUR NICE ROOMS.

FOR HOUSEKEEPIng. $6 month. Seventeenth Fourth ave. Inquire at 33 Irving place. DEKALB AVE -THREE FOUR OR seven large rooms and bath.

hot water. private house; telephone, two trolleys pass TO RENT- DATE HOUSE IN NITley. N. all improvement. perfect vondi less than an hour from New Yorw rent $40.

Address Owner 168 Jefferson ave. 141 WASHINGTON AVE- -THREE-STORY house: only $35: parlor and dining -room good neighborhood: newly decorated. Call at 137 Washington near Myrtle $35; A COZY HOME. 10 ROOMS AND bath: newly decorated. open plumbing: tiled bathroom.

432 Franklin ave. near Madison st. WANT A HOUSE? WHY SEE APART. menta "To Let' and think it out' HELP WANTE' LEARN TELEGRAPY ELEGRAPHER9 wantel. both sexes.

for "wireless." commercial and railroad; salaries $14 to $23 per week: easily learned, day or evening; positions assured; "wireless' special fea ture. Brooklyn Telegraph School, 310 Fulton near Borough Hall, Brooklyn, SITUATIONS WANTED -MALE BARTENDER IN FIRST -CLASS CAFE OP hotel, by an experienced young inan: references. A. Weaver, 221 Bainbridge st. BOOKKEEPER OR ASSISTANT.

CAPAble and experienced man (25); moderate salary; best references. French. 324 Duffeld st. CHAUFFEUR. BY A COLORED MAN: DO OWn repairs: careful driver.

Alexander Daniel. 143 Ashland place, CHAUFFEUR COLORED man: city or country. R. Wood, 32 Rocheeter ave. CHAUFFEUR, BY AN EXPERIENCED young man (21): reference.

Lombardo, 34 Little Nassau st. CHEF. BY A COLORED MAN; EXPErienced in all branches; best reference. Paschall, 442 Carlton ave. DRIVER: CAPABLE OF DRIVING SPIKE or four horses; can do heavy day or night work.

W. A. Snyder. East Ninety-second st. and Avenue J.

Canarsie, DRIVER (SINGLE OR DOUBLE), BY young man; modtrate wages; references. Address Joseph Creeden, 25 Granite st. DRIVER OR WORK OF ANY KIND. BY A young married man. Bedell, 988 De Kalb ave.

JANITOR FOR A STEAM- -HEATED OR cold -water fat. by A Swedish couple (one child). Call at 360. Seventeenth second foor. PAINTER AND PAPERHANGER; BEST references.

James H. Richter, 213 Skill. man st. PAINTER. PAPERHANGER, CALCIMINER plasterer: -class mechanic; wihing to go any distance: paints room.

$1. papers. 92: references. Kronman, 598 Rogers ave. SALESMAN OR POSITION OF ANT KIND.

by young man fluent talker; learns very easy: reference and security. H. Spiro, 114 Ralph ave. YOUNG MAN (25). FIRST -CLASS TRACER.

desires position: energetic and ambitious: references. M. Bloch: 205 Pacific st. YOUNG MAN (17) IN GARAGE OR AUTOmobile company: has had one year's exparience. J.

Murphy, 281 Sixth st. YOUNG MAN (25) IN A CIVIL ical or electrical engineer's office: energetic and ambitious; references. M. Bloch, 205 Pacifle st, HEROINE OF THE PLAGUE. Sense of Duty Kept Girl Missionary from Flight.

It was during the cholera epidemic of 1909 that Miss Annie Budden, a girl missionary among the Himalayan foothills, found to her dismay that the dread disease had invaded her mountain station. The instant it was discovered. the European residents and all the native officials fed in terror. They begged her to go, too, but her sense of duty would not let her. "The only way to save my people." he said, "is to more them up to that higher mountain." It was twelve miles away.

There were several scores to be mored. most of them women and children, but she managed to move them all, to provide canvas 1 coverings for them, to establish proper sanitary conditions, and minister to the sick: for the village doctor had run Away and "left his job" with her. Suddenly she was sent for to treat a very sick woman twenty miles away. The collies had all fed. but she found an Indian pony and rode six hours alone through the torrid heat till she reached the woman's house.

It was too late. She was dead. There were no men to be found. but a few Christian women lived in the neighborhood. and they helped Miss Budden to carry the body to the outskirts of the village and dig a grave.

At noon the brave young missionary read the burial service there; then she started for her own camp. She had gone but eight miles when a snake frightened her horse and she was thrown off. He ran away and she walked the remaining twelve miles. At nightfall she was with her own people again. but only 10 find that one of her own women had died during her absence.

Immediately another burying squad had to be or: ganixed, and with her own hands she nelped to lay her poor friend in the grave. This was the only death that occurred among her people, and she was able to conduct them all back to their homes when the danger had passed. The Christian Herall LONG ISLAND RAILROAD, Trains leave FLATBUSH AVE, STATION Riverhead and principal stations to (via Montauk 8.30 11.20, 8.06 (Fri. only), x4-10, 5.02, 5.51 (Riverhead only) p. m.

4.30 (via Montauk 9.40 a. 4.18 p. m. Central Park and principal to 10.40 a. $1.20 (except Cenfrat Park, 01.30 (to Deer Park), 8.06, 5.02.

5 51, 6.46 p. m. 9.11, 9.40 only) a. 1.10, 4.18 (except Central Park), 8.19 p. m.

The Hamptons, Bag Harbor and Moriches 6.26. 8.41, 10.40 81.13. A3.34 (Fri. only), A 3.68. 4.39.

5 29 p. 111: 4.30. 9.11, 10.40 A4.18. 6.41 p. m.

Patchogue, Islip, Bay Shore (except Talip), 8.41. 10.14. 10.40 (Patchogue only). 11.00 a. m.

112.46. 1.01, $1.20, 2.01 4.10 39 (except Islip), 5.29, 16,14. 6 46. 10.11 p. s12.10 night.

30, 3.11, 10.40, 11.40 a. 1.34. 3.02, 5.32. 6.41 p. 12.10 night.

Babylon 6.14. 7.13. 7.59, 8.41, 10.14. 11.00 a. $12.46.

1.01. 11.20. $1.30. $1.50, 2 01. 2 5.51 x6 14 6.46.

8.18. 10.11, 12.10. 08 410 xP4 44. xP5.03. 5.09.

6.29. m. 4.30. 8.31. 9.11.

10.01, 10.40. 11.40 a 1.84. 2.01, 3.02, 5.32, 6.41, 6.57, 10.22 p. m. 12.10 night.

Port Jefferson and Intermediate at'tna on Wading River Branch- A9.12. 11,10 A SA12 46. A 61 30. 3.06. PxA4.10, A4.44.

5.38. 6 46 8 18. 811 44 p. In. A9.00, A10.01 a.

m. 1 A6 41. 11.06 p. m. (Runs to Wading River) Oyster Bay.

Glen Cove Sea 9.00. 11,00 012 32. 1.01. 2 01. 3.38 Px4 31.

4.44. 3 29. x6.14 6 46 8 13. 10.11, 112.10 gun 4 00 9 11 :1 a. 01 6.57, 8.05 11.06 m.

Far Rockaway, 6.37. 7.16. 7.40. 7 30. C.

63. 8.41. 10 14 11.00 112.20. 12.32 112 51 1.30. :.01.

3.09. 3.38 .0 Px3 01 Px3 81. 5.41. 5 69. Px6 12 12.

8 13 9,21. 10 11. 11 41 12.10 m. 30. 8 31.

11.10 a m. 1: 75. 1.12 2.01 10. 06. 18.

6 08 6.37 6 19. 9 28. 10.22 r11 06 m. Far Rocka way only. Garden 7.00.

1.59 333 11.00 13 11.0% 201. 06. 38 10 44 5 09. 5 28. 6.14 6.44 8 13 10 11.

11.30 1: 10 111. Bun 00 (Garden City only 9.11 10.01. 11.21 01. 6.41, 8.05 9.01. 11 06 Long Beach- 5 53 6 14.

8.21 10 11.10 A 11.18. 2 01. 06. 3 58. 4.31.

49 8.18. 10 11. 12 10 10 4.00 00 9.15 9.68 10,30. 1 10 7 19 06 3 4.06 4 44 5 8.05 36 Beach 46. 8 94 9.0 10 00 10 11 1 10.

47. 10 11 10 12 28. 2 3 35. 4 12. 4 37 6 01.

6 13. 8.:0 9.10 10 50. 5 11.30 12 10 night Sun 30 6.05 15 845 9 16 30 10 01 10,13 10. 30. 10 43 11 00 11 15 11.30.

11.45 a 12 10. 12 40. 1.00. 1.13 1.30. 1,45, 2.03.

15 2 59 13 3.30. 3 43 4.13. 5 50 5 20. 00 6.30 6 30. 00.

7.20 7.30. 8.00. 15. 8.33. 8.50.

9.03 9.90 9.30. 10.30. 11.10 p. In tWed. and Sat only.

Except Sats only. Except July 4 and September Saturday nights only, A cept Moriches RAT ROADS. STEAMSHIPS Low Rate Excursions To BERMUDA UDA An Ideal Sea Trip to the Most Delightfal Resort in the World; Cool and Healthfel. In g. Ashing, boating, tennis, golf, cycling, Every outdoor recreation.

A excellent sea bathTHE 1,500 Ocean Voyage By MAGNIFICENT, FAST. TWIN-SCREW Transatlantic Liner "OCEANA" 14.000 Tons Displacement; 635 ft. Long. Largest, Fastest. Most Luxurious and Only Exclusively First -Class Passenger Steamer to Bermuda.

No Cattle or freight carried on the "Ocean FIRST -CLASS ROUND TRIP. InBest caisine on the berth Atlantic. meals. $15 UP cluding stateroom Electric fans in every room. Many rooms baths; with finest brass beds; deck sultes-do-luxe promenade in the with private world.

Orchestra. Only Bermuda Promenade Dances, Gymnasium. Wireless. steamer with submarine signals. TOURS Hotels, Including at Shore Lowest Excursions, Rates.

Beautiful booklet. Itinerary. Tickets, of Atlantic Line. 200 B.way. STEAMBOATS.

HUDSON RIVER DAY LINE Steamers leave Desbrosses 8.40 A. W. 42d 9 A. W. 129th 9.20 A.

Daily except Sunday. Landing at Yonkers. West Point. Newburgh. Poughkeepsie, Kingston Point, Catskill, Hudson and Albany.

Also Desbrosses 9.40 A. W. 42d 10 A. W. 129th 10.20 A.

M. for Yonkers. West Point. Cornwall. Newburgh and Poughkeepsie.

Daily eXCADI Sunday. Direct rail connection. Muele. Restagrant. STEAMER MARY POWELL Afternoon boat for Newburgh, Poughkeepsie.

Rondout and way landings Ive. Desb. 1.45 P. W. 43d St.

2 P. W. 129th 2.20 P. M. Dally, except Sunday.

Ideal outing to West Point, returning by Str. Albany or rail. SANDY HOOK ROUTE TO THE SEASHORE The most delightful way reaching the famous North Jersey Coast resorts. Steamers leave foot W. 42d st.

and Cedar N. Y. See agents for schedules. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. ANCHOR LINE CLASCOW LONDONDERRY Columbia.

Aug. 20.3 pm California Sept. 2. 3 pm Furnessia. Aug.

26.10am| c'aledonia 9, 9 am FIRST CABIN, $:0 AND $75 SECOND CABIN, $47.50 AND $50 THIRD CLASS. $30 AND $31.25 HENDERSON BROTHERS, 17 and 19 BroadN. or S. W. Taylor 63 Court Jacob Grau.

44 Broadway: John C. Hender- son Son, 344 Fulton Brooklyn. WASHING AND IRONING. WASHING, 6 CENTS A POUND: TABLE and hed linen Ironed ready for use: under. clothing starched, dried.

ready to iron. FAMILY LAUNDRY, 327 Van Buren 'phone 2961 Bushwick. WASHING. IRONING AND CLEANING BY by a young woman. Summit street.

WASHING AND IRONING OR HOUSEcleaning, by a competent woman. 372 Second top floor, right. WASHING OR CLEANING BY THE DAY. by young woman. Advertiser, 467 Dean st.

WASHING AND IRONING, OUT BY THE day. also housecleaning: firs: -class laundress: good r. ference. Call or address 449 Goid WASHING AND IRONING. OUT BY THE day, Also housecleaning.

Mra. Carroll, Roches er near East New York ave. AND IRONING. OUT BY THE WASHING housceleaning. by an experienced woman.

Call or address Mrs. Jennie Byrne, 3:0 Franklin Arst fat. WASHING AND IRONING, TO TAKE young Swedish woman. Mrs. Anderson.

658 Sackett st. WASHING AND IRONING. OUT BY THE day or take by a Norwegian girl. Henry second floor. WASHING OR WORK OF ANY KIND BY the day.

Call or address Mrs. Smith, 300 St. Mark's ave. WASHING AND respectable IRONING, TO lingerie, TAKE home. by a lace curtains lace bedspreads specialty.

(all or address Mrs. Weidman. 81 Stock on st. PSYCHOLOGY OF WAR. Army Most Immune to Panic ally Is Victorious.

Incredible as it may appear. it seems that, except in the way of leaders, intelligenre is of little value in war: the army that can resist panic the longest is the victor. Even troops composed of men of proved individual courage will not be inaccessible to collective fear. The gladintors of Spartacus, in revolt. were pat into full rout by an army of soldiers of little individual but of better organization and leadership.

Joint responsibility confidence are two essential factors for steadiness of troops in combat. For this reason it is better to put the picked men on the second line of battle rather than in front, in order to give confidence to those who are struggling directly with the enemy. Another important point is that troops must tight in the organization they are used to in time of peace. each man in his habitual place and with his proper unit. Napoleon had this in mind when he said of his soldiers at Waterloo: "They had not eaten soup together long enonch." -Popular Mechanics Magazine.

DEATHS, ME Beales, in On the Lug. 16, of FURNISHED ROOMS 105 A BERGEN ST. Large alcove and squate 10011. menta; housekeeping or emet, hear subway and trolley; reasonable rates. private WE HAVE WHAT YOU WANT.

FREE Information bureau stop going from door to door looking for brand or furnished Looms. Any section. Call, urite or telephone, McKENZIE I 16 Court st. 35 LINCOLN PLACE Large furnished room, breakfast optional. FURNISHED APARTMENTS TO LET.

ELEGANTLY FURNISHED FIVE- ROOM housekeeping decorated; steam heat: select nigh $40 monthly; worth $60. 1-Stam (o cor. Halsey st. and Sumner TO LET- PARTMENTE 131 COLUMBIA HEIGH SIN ROOMS and bath. $35: all outside Indows, steam hea'.

ho: water. $35--443 STATE SINGLE APARTMENT of 7 rooms; steam hea: ho: water; few blocks of subway. See janitor. 1962 FULTON NEAR RALPH AVE Five large, light riled bath; stationary range; kitchen clothes closet, modern improvements: decorated; reduced rent, $14. Reitman Fulton st.

FLATBUSH-295 OCEAN AVE OPPOSITE Woodruff ave. Brighton I. station; elegant apartments of 7 rooms and bath; large. light rooms; three bay windowe; all rents $35 to $56. Inquire janitor, rear.

CORNER APARTMENT. ROOM: AND bath: modern improvem steam heat, hot water. Apply on premises. 1421 Dean H. Koster.

496 LEXINGTON AVE. -COMPLETELY REmodeled apartments; newly decorated: all improvements; windows In every room; only small families admitted: rent $19. $20 and $21. APARTMENTS: FINE, LARGE BEDROOMS: near subway; most select neighborhood: will decorate. For particulars telephone 6850 Prospect.

122 HOYT SI BWAY; NEW 2-room kitchenette; parquet floor: electricity: meals if wanted: very moderate. 283 BRIDGE NEAR JOHNSON: SECond floor: 5 rooms; bath and all Improvements: asphalt street; rent small family adults, $21. ELEGANT, ALL LIGHT, SIX ROOMS AND bath apartment, steam hear, all improvements: one block from park, decorated to suit. 511 Eighth st. BACHELOR'S APARTMENT.

301 WASHington opposite Eagle Building; near subway; rooms and bath, handsomely furnished; $7.50 week, $30 monthly. $29 AND $31. WORTH $35. CHOICE LOCAtion, 780 to 802 St. John's place; 6 large rooms and bath, electric light, steam heat, hot water; careful janitor: superintendent always on premises, ELEGANT APARTMENTS.

4 AND 5 ROOMS and bath; all conveniences and telephone in each apartment: rent $25 and $30: near subway. Apply in hall. 118 Sterling place; telephone 6850 Prospect. SITUATION WANTED -FEMALES. CHAMBERMAID AND WAITRESS.

BY A young colored girl. Call or address 103 De Kalb ave. CHAMBERMAID AND VAITRESS. BY A young Norwegian girl. Call, P.

Hansen, 205 Pacific st. CHAMBERMAID AND WAITRESS OR TO do light housework, in a family, by a young girl; reference. Gertrude Nelson, 625 Fifty -fourth st. COOK, LAUNDRESS OR HOUSEWORK BY the day. by A German woman; reference.

Moller, 6109 Fifth ave, DOWNSTAIRS WORK. BY A COLORED girl. Call at 206 Prince st, HOUSEWORK (GENERAL) OR Andersen. UPSTAIRS. by a Norwegian girl.

Trine 5104 Sixth ave. HOUSEWORK (GENERAL). IN A SMALL family, by a young Finnish girl; references. 788 Forty -third top floor. HOUSEWORK (GENERAL).

IN A PRIVATE family. by A young Swedish woman; 110 washing; reference. Call at 135 Ashland place. HOUSEWORK (GENERAL), BY RESPECTable colored girl. Call at 519 Carlton ave.

HOUSEWORK (GENERAL). BY A DANISH girl; no washing. 1126 Sixtieth st. HOUSEWORK (GENERAL) OR WORK OF any kind, by a neat colored girl. 65 Myrtle HOUSEWORK (GENERAL), BY A RELIAble young woman: is good cook and laundress: good reference.

Call at 377 Baltic rear. HOUSEWORK (LIGHT). BY A COLORED girl: $3 a week. Call at 550 Warren first floor. HOUSEWORK (GENERAL), BY A THORoughly competent middle-aged woman.

Call at 126 Wyckoff top floor. HOUSEWORK (GENERAL), IN A FAMILY of one or two adults, by an elderly American woman; $5 a month with good home. Mrs. Forman. 234 Emerson place.

HOUSEWORK (GENERALY. IN A SMALL family, or as chambermaid and waitress. by a colored girl. Call at 12 Ormond place, third floor. HOUSEWORK (GENERAL).

IN A SMALL family, by a Norwegian. girl, not lone in country. Call or address Twentythird st. HOUSEWORK (GENERAL) BY THE DAY or hour. by an experienced young woman; reference.

Call at 65 Kosciusko st. KITCHENWORK (ASSIST WITH) IN boarding -house, by A neat Tenth German woman; sleep home. A. 354 st. WOMEN OF INDIA.

Have Little Desire to Be Freed from Their Serfdom, The women of India hare no desire whaterer to become emancipated. They like a comfortable home, they lore their children, jewels and pretty clothes and sweetmeats and gossip, and they like also to drink sherbet made of melon and sweetened with rosewater. The Indian woman likes to be married and her busband it her god. In all other things she is indifferent. A surrey of woman's induence discloses the fact that thes are at that stage of slavery where the serf, though suffering the horrors of thralldom, has become so indifferent that he does not appreciate and.

indeed, stently resiats proffered release. Many stares actually take pride in the fetters that chain them, especially when the coming slaveholder gilds and bejewels these shackles. The woman of India is suffering, explains "Leslie's Weekly," ret she wants to be left alone to 20 on suffering. Funeral services at his late restdence, No. 158 Rugby road, Flatbush, on Saturday, Aug.

19, at 8:80 pl m. Interment private. BROOKLYN LODGE NO. 22, B. P.

0. ELKS- Brothers: You are requested to attend the funeral services of our late brother, Andrew J. Lyons, Sunday, Aug. 20, 2 p. at Elks Lodge, No.

123 Schermerhorn st. Central Lodge, F. and A. No. U.

S. Grant Post, No. 327: Thomas Thatford Post, No. 139th Regiment, Veterans' Association, and relatites and' friends are' invited to be present, 'ALBERT T. BROPRY.

Exalted Ruler. Joseph H. Becker, Secretary. GREINER -After A short illness. at her home, No.

89 Edsall Ridgewood. Thursday. Aug 17, 1911, Eva Groiner, aged 22: survived by her husband, John Greiner and intant sou. Edward J. Greiner.

Funeral services Sunday, Aug. 20. 91 2 p. m. Interment following services in Evergreens Cemetery.

JONES- -On Thursday. Aug. 17, 1911. Theodore I. Jones, belored father of Roxcellena and Lois Funeral services al his late residence.

No. 315 Eleventh on Saturday evening at 8:30 o'clock. KUNZE On Ang. 17. 1911.

Helen Janet Kunze. aged 13, at her home, No. 21 Polhennis place. Funeral services Saturday. Aug.

19. at p. m. Interment private. LATER--On Thursday.

Aug. 17. 1911, Josephine Marzareth Lauer (Dee Zoettlein, aged 33 years, beloved wife of Charles Henry Laner and mother of Edna Lillian Lauer. Funeral services Saturdar. Ang.

19. a1 p. at her late residence, No. Willoughby are. Funeral Sundar 30 2 p.

m. Interment CvBless Hills Cemeters. Relatives and friends respectfully invited. OLMSTED -Suddenly, at Hackensack, N. Aug.

16. 1911. Leverett B. Olmsted, aged 75 years. Funeral services at his late residence.

No. 215 State Hackensack, on Sunday. Aug. 20. at 2:30 p.

m. TO LET LEGAL NOTICES. COUNTY COURT KINGS COUNTY--PETER Burden, plaintiff, Ada C. Hutchison, Margaret, Kohlhepp. Williamson.

defendants. George Ducker, GottTo the above-named defendanta: You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint 1n this action. and to serve a copy of your answer 02 the plaintiff's attorneys within twenty days after the service of this summons. exclusive of the day of service, and In case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment wili be taken againat you by default for the relief demanded in the plaint. -Dated August 11, 1911.

T. PERRY, Plaintiff's Attorneys. Once and post office address, No. 71 Greenpoint avenue. Brooklyn, New York.

To the defendant, Margaret Williamson: The foregoing summons is served upon you by publication, pursuant to an order of Hon. Norman S. Dike. County Judge of Kings County. dated the seventeenth day of August, 1911, and fled on said date with a copy of the complaint in the office of the Clerk of the County of Kings.

at the Hall of Recorda. in said county, the original complaint having been filed In said office on August 11, Dated August 18.1911. aul8 8t-F T. PERRY. Plaintiff's Attorneys.

Office and post omce address, No. 71 point avenue, Brooklyn, New York. NEW YORK SUPREME COURT. KINGS County. --Novenia White, plaintiff, against Henrietta Cooley.

and others, defendants. In pursuance of a judgment of foreclosure and sale. duly made and entered in the above- entitled action, and bearing date the 21st day of July. 1911. the undersigned.

the referee, in said judgment named, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, by James 1., Brumiey auctioneer, at the Brooklyn Real Estate Exchange. No. 189 Montague street. Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York. County nf on the 18th day of August.

1911, at twelve o'clock noon on that day, the premises directed by said Judgment to he sold and therein described as follows: All that certain lot, plece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings, City and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northerly side of Decatur atrest, distant two hundred twonty feet easterly from the corner formed by the intersection of the northerly side of Decatur street with the easterly side of Sumner Avenue: running thence northerly. paralwith Sumner avenue and part of the distance through a party wall one hundred feet: easterls parallel with Decatur street twenty feet: thence southerly again parallel with Sumner avenue and part of the distance through another party wail one hundred feet to the northerly side of Decatur street, and thence westerly along the northerly stde of Decatur street twenty feet 19 the point or place of beginning. Together with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the mortgagor in and to said premises. -Dated. New York.

July 26th. 1911. 1927 7t-Thar FRANCIS S. MoDIVITT, Referee. The sale of the premises in the aboveentitled action is hereby adjourned to the 45th day of August.

1911, at the same time and place. -Dated August 18th. 1911. FRANCIS S. McDIVITT.

Referee. Cary Carroll, Attorneys for Plaintiff, office and post office address 59 Wall street, Borough of Manhattan, New York, N. Y. au19824 AT A SPECIAL TERM OF THE COUNTY Court of the County of Kings held In the County Court House, Borough of Brooklyn, Kings County. New York City, on the 17th dav of August.

1911. Present: Hon. Norman S. Dike. County the matter of the application of MAX JOSEPH to change his name and assume the name of MAX ROGERDE BRUYN.

Upon reading and Aling the petition of Max Joseph. dated the 15th day of -August, 1911. praying for leave to assume the name of Max Roger -De Bruyn in. place of his present name, and it appearing to the satiafaction of this Court that said petition true and that there is no reasonable objection to the change of the present name to that proposed. Now.

on motion of Charles Harwood, attorner for said petitioner. it is Ordered. That the said Max Joseph be. and he hereby is, authorized to assume the name of Max Roger- -De Bruyn on the 25th day of September, 1911, upon his complying with the provisions of Sections 2414 and 2415 of the Code of Civil Procedure, to wit: That within ten days after the making of this order he cause the papers upon which it is granted to he Aled in the office of the Clerk of the County of Kings, and that within ten days after the entry hereot he cause a copy of this order to be published in the Brooklyn Citizen. a newspaper published in the Bornugh of Brooklyn, County of Kings, City and State of New York.

and that within forty days after the making of this order he cause an affidavit of the publication thereof to be Aled and recorded in the said office of the Clerk of the County of Kings; and it further Ordered. That after the said requirements are complied with the said petitioner must, and shall, after the said 25th day of September. 1911. be known by the name of Max Roger- -De Bruyn, which he is hereby author. ized to assume, and by no other, name.

Enter) NORMAN S. DIKE. County Judge of Kings Granted August 17, 1911. Henry P. Molloy, Clerk.

THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW York, by the grace of God free and independent, to Anna Russell. Mary Nevins, Jessie W. Cossar. Jeanie McAllaster Nevison, David Nevison. Isabella Jamieson.

Agnes Scott. Mary Alton. Annie Alton. William Russell. Isabella Coutts, Isabella Nerison, Mary Nevison.

George Jamieson. Elizabeth C. Jamieson. Margaret Alton. Agnes Alton.

Ronald Alton. send greeting: Whereas Allan Lorraine Purres, of the Borough of Brooklyn, City and State of New York. has lately petitioned our Surrogate's Court of the County of Kings to have certain Instroment in writing bearing date the ad day of September. 1906, and the 27th day of May. 1910.

respectively, relating to real and personal property duly proved as the last will and testament and codiell of ISABELLA HOME. late of the County of Kings, deceased. Wherefore, you, and each you, are hereby cited to appear before our Surrogate of the County of Kings at a Surrogato's Court to be held at the Hall of Recorde, in the County of Kings, on the 2d day of October. 1911. at ten -o'clock in the forenoon, then and there to attend the probate of the said last will and testament.

In testimony whereof. we have the seal of our Surrogate's Court to be hereunto affixed. (L. Witness, Hon. Herbert T.

Ketcham. Surrogate of our said county, at the County nf Kings, the 16th day of August in the rear of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and eteven. JOHN H. McCOOEY. Clerk of the Surrogate's Court.

M. E. street, Finnigan. Brooklyn, Attorney N. Y.

for Executor. au19 DARLING FIDO, "Could son wait on me before the others?" naked the woman in the drug store. "I am in a great The drug clerk complied and filled her prescription immediately. "Thank you so much." she said. "I am afraid that Fido will awake I return and miss Buffalo Espress.

The Brooklyn Citizen from Brooklyn, New York (2024)
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Author: Manual Maggio

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Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

Phone: +577037762465

Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.