Baldur's Gate 3: Help The Hag Survivors Full Quest Walkthrough (2024)

Quick Links

  • How To Begin The Hag Survivors Quest And Find Mayrina

  • Where To Find Vanra's Mother, Lora

  • How To Find Auntie Ethel's Lair In Baldur's Gate

  • How To Save Vanra And Defeat Auntie Ethel

  • Quest Rewards: How To Get The Legendary Rapier, Duelist's Prerogative, And Other Nice Things

If you thought you were done with Auntie Ethel after the first act in Baldur's Gate 3, you're in for a treat. Having fled the homey sanctuary of her swamp, she's sought out the bustling city streets of Baldur's Gate and the masses of those who think magic can solve any problem.


Baldur's Gate 3: How To Recruit Minsc

Do you want to recruit Minsc as a companion in Baldur's Gate 3? We got you covered!

Causing havoc and wreaking chaos around the city, you'll be roped once more into killing the wicked old hag. With familiar and new faces abound, an interesting story, and no small amount of extremely valuable loot, this foray into Ethel's embrace once more is well worth your time.

Updated January 17, 2024 by Alexis Campbell: Updated to include bug fixes to the questline from recent patches , allowing for alternative solutions to saving Vanra and freeing Mayrina.

How To Begin The Hag Survivors Quest And Find Mayrina

Baldur's Gate 3: Help The Hag Survivors Full Quest Walkthrough (2)

To officially begin this quest, you must find the passed-out pamphlets for Hag Survivors around the city. The best place to find them is in a house on the far southeast side of the Lower City near Heapside Strand (Coordinates: X:45, Y:-114.)

The house will have a request to join the Hag Survivors inside its mailbox. Take it, and lockpick your way into the home where you can and must pick up one Anti-Hag Support Group Poster.

Alternatively, you can find one of these posters on the billboard to the left of the gallows as you enter the Lower City for the first time (near Basilisk Gate Waypoint).

Baldur's Gate 3: Help The Hag Survivors Full Quest Walkthrough (3)

Having taken the poster, your map will be updated with a marker for "Old Garlow's." It is located in the home just east of the Counting House.

The home will have an eviction notice in its mailbox, several hanging flags on ropes above, and be full of holes. The plaque outside the door should read "Old Garlow's."

Enter the home, and speak with the trio inside.

Baldur's Gate 3: Help The Hag Survivors Full Quest Walkthrough (4)

You'll be accused of being aligned with the hags, so you must pass a Persuasion or Intimidation check to assure them otherwise. On a failure, they'll attack.

If you are attacked, you only need to attack one person: the dragonborn, Jatlo. Attacking him will reveal him to be a redcap, turning the other two combatants in the room to your side.

If you succeed, you'll be asked to help Mayrina upstairs. She's been polymorphed into a sheep.

To free Mayrina from her sheep form, you should look around and locate the voodoo totem. Attack it, and it will teleport somewhere else in the room. After attacking it enough times, you'll destroy it, and Mayrina will be free.

After she is free, the dragonborn, Jatlo, will reveal himself as the traitor and attack you. Kill him.

Baldur's Gate 3: Help The Hag Survivors Full Quest Walkthrough (6)

After killing Jatlo in either scenario, speak with Mayrina.

Exhaust her dialogue and accept the quest. After, you can loot the safe in the wall downstairs.

Baldur's Gate 3: Help The Hag Survivors Full Quest Walkthrough (7)

Inside will be the recipe for Hag's Bane and the materials to make it. Before you venture elsewhere, ensure you have concocted it. Without it, you will not be able to save Vanra.

Concocting Hag's Bane will require both the materials you found in the vault and any chemical solution. Choose one and, after brewing the potion, ensure it is in the inventory of someone you'd be willing to spend an action on to throw it.

Where To Find Vanra's Mother, Lora

Baldur's Gate 3: Help The Hag Survivors Full Quest Walkthrough (8)

If you want to follow Vanra's quest alongside saving the Hag Survivors, you must go to the Basilisk Gate Barracks. It is up the stairs from the Basilisk Gate Waypoint.

As you enter the training area, go up a second, smaller set of stairs to the right into the building. Lora will be standing there speaking with the guard.

Baldur's Gate 3: Help The Hag Survivors Full Quest Walkthrough (9)

The guard, you learn on two successful Arcana checks, has had their memory wiped. Tell Lora about this and Auntie Ethel if you succeed to receive her miniquest. Otherwise, tell her you're willing to take her case.

You can garner additional information about Auntie Ethel and Vanra's last known location from her, giving you the destination: the Blushing Mermaid.

How To Find Auntie Ethel's Lair In Baldur's Gate

Baldur's Gate 3: Help The Hag Survivors Full Quest Walkthrough (10)

Auntie Ethel's lair is hidden beneath the Blushing Mermaid, near the center of the Lower City and between Bloomridge Park and the Counting House. However, before you rush into it, you can find and confront Ethel herself.

Walk into the Blushing Mermaid and go upstairs. Take a right into the sitting room with the fireplace.

Baldur's Gate 3: Help The Hag Survivors Full Quest Walkthrough (11)

Speak with the apparent Captain Grisly. You can use your Insight and Arcana to reveal Grisly for Auntie Ethel, or you can expose her without a need for a check by visiting the basem*nt of the establishment and finding her lair first.

No matter the method you choose, she'll reveal herself and then, after telling you she's swallowed Vanra, summon several redcaps to fight you if you choose to defy her.

If you do not defy Auntie Ethel, you will fail the quest in time, and Vanra will be reborn as a hag. The Hag Survivors will become enemies, and you'll lose out on some amazing Legendary rewards.

However, if you choose to side with Auntie Ethel, she will support you during the final battle of Baldur's Gate and grant you a special invisibility ability.

Baldur's Gate 3: Help The Hag Survivors Full Quest Walkthrough (12)

Defeat these redcaps and then chase Auntie Ethel into the basem*nt.

Her lair can be found by jumping onto the barrels and finding an illusionary wall on the left. Step through it, down the ladder, and past the door.

As you enter Ehtel's lair, proceed cautiously and note several traps on the ground. Disarm them as you find them.

Baldur's Gate 3: Help The Hag Survivors Full Quest Walkthrough (13)

In this new area, you'll find four victims of Ethel's Masks of Servitude. You have two options here:

  • Fight the victims
  • Leave the victims and find Ethel

If you fight the victims, they will not be summoned for Ethel's fight. This will vastly ease the difficulty of the encounter.

You can skip all of this by venturing into the basem*nt before talking to Auntie Ethel disguised as Captain Grisly. This will bypass the fight with the redcaps upstairs, but Auntie Ethel won't be in her boss room when you enter it. This will allow you to loot the room first and then destroy one of the mushrooms for free. When you destroy one of the mushrooms, Auntie Ethel will teleport into the room.

How To Save Captain Grisly And The Masked Victims Of Auntie Ethel's Lair

Baldur's Gate 3: Help The Hag Survivors Full Quest Walkthrough (14)

If you want to save Captain Grisly and the other masked victims below the Blushing Mermaid, you must ignore them first or fight them with Non-Lethal Damage and little to no magic.

Although they will make Ethel's fight much harder if you ignore them, saving them may be the moral decision.

If you want to make the fight easier and also save them, knock them unconscious but refuse to take off their masks. Otherwise, their minds will collapse, and they will die.

When Ethel is dead, the victims can freely take off their masks. However, only Captain Grisly can be spoken with, giving you thanks and a second home at the Blushing Mermaid - with steep discounts on goods for sale.

If you are playing on Tactician or Honour mode, we recommend that you fight and knock unconscious Captain Grisly's gang before fighting Auntie Ethel. This will make her boss fight much easier.

How To Save Vanra And Defeat Auntie Ethel

Baldur's Gate 3: Help The Hag Survivors Full Quest Walkthrough (15)

Auntie Ethel, Sister of the Seeing Pearl








Medium/125kg (Fey)








18 (+4)

14 (+2)

16 (+3)

13 (+1)

14 (+2)

18 (+4)

Feats And Conditions

Lair Magic

The hag and her doubles have Magic Resistance.


Ethel has +5 to Initiative and cannot be Surprised.


Ethel can see 12 in the dark.

Fey Life

Ethel has advantage on Death Saving Throws.

Magic Resistance

Advantage on Saving Throws against spells and magical effects.

[Honour Mode Only] Weird Magic Surge

Can summon additional copies of herself after a spell is cast. The higher the level, the more copies are summoned.



Ethel can cast the following spells:

Conjure Doubles

Ethel can create three illusionary doubles of herself and displace herself and the doubles amidst the area.

Invisible Passage

Auntie Ethel (and/or her double) becomes Invisible.

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Ethel can be found behind a set of wooden doors to the left of the entrance into her lair. Beware of the trap that will strike you as you enter through it.

Before the fight begins, we recommend sending one or two individuals over on the ground to the far corner, where a glowing mushroom can be found on a ledge.

Whomever you choose must be able to deal damage equal to the mushroom's healthpool within one turn - alone or collectively.

Ethel is invisible, standing guard up a set of stairs and in the center of the path. You can approach and speak with her first before attacking or move characters into your preferred position.

When you're close enough to her body, she'll reveal herself and speak with you. When the dialogue ends, you can attack her.

Baldur's Gate 3: Help The Hag Survivors Full Quest Walkthrough (16)

As battle begins, there are a few things to note:

  1. Killing Auntie Ethel before throwing Hag's Bane will kill Vanra.
  2. Killing Auntie Ethel before destroying the mushrooms in the room is pointless; they endlessly heal her.
  3. The mushrooms heal themselves on their turn for max health. You must deal with their full health in one turn to destroy them.
  4. Auntie Ethel will summon any masked victims to her aid if they are still alive and conscious.
  5. As in her previous fight, Ethel will split herself into four entities; only one is real.

There is an alternate way to save Vanra. You can save Vanra by cutting open Auntie Ethel while she is unconscious (best done after all mushrooms are destroyed). Before this patch, this method was bugged and knocking Ethel unconscious would result in Vanra's death.

Patch 5 also ensured that Hag's Bane will always be effective on Auntie Ethel.

Baldur's Gate 3: Help The Hag Survivors Full Quest Walkthrough (17)

For this fight, focus above all else on the mushrooms. You can hit Auntie Ethel, if necessary, but do not knock her health to zero. There are three mushrooms:

  • On the right side of the room, on a ledge across a gap.
  • In the right corner on the platform where Ethel begins.
  • On the left side of the room up above on a ledge across a wide gap (only accessible for melee via Misty Step or a high-Strength character's Jump).

If the masked victims are summoned and get in your way, you can toggle Non-Lethal Damage if you wish to save them. Defeat any who might be within range or cause issues with you reaching the mushrooms.

Chain Lightning can be an extremely useful spell here, hitting the mushrooms and bouncing between multiple enemies. This can serve a dual purpose of destroying the mushrooms while revealing Auntie Ethel's true form.

Baldur's Gate 3: Help The Hag Survivors Full Quest Walkthrough (18)

When the mushrooms are gone, or at any point where you can safely expend a Throw Action, you can throw Hag's Bane on Auntie Ethel. This will free Vanra. She will flee from the battle and be immune to the attacks of any lingering enemies in the room.

With Vanra gone, you can attack and kill Auntie Ethel safely. No mushrooms will leave her vulnerable. Finish her with a series of strong blows, and combat will end (even if there are masked victims still standing).

If you do not have Hag's Bane, you can attack Auntie Ethel with Non-Lethal Damage toggled. This will knock Auntie Ethel unconscious. Interact with her after the fight to cut out Vanra, killing Auntie Ethel and freeing the child.

Quest Rewards: How To Get The Legendary Rapier, Duelist's Prerogative, And Other Nice Things

Baldur's Gate 3: Help The Hag Survivors Full Quest Walkthrough (19)

With Auntie Ethel gone, you can loot her corpse for several high-value crafting materials (randomly generated), nice potions, and potentially a few rare diamonds. Speak with Captain Grisly, if she survived, and then return to the above world.

If you followed the quest through and saved Vanra, you'll have to wrap up the quest with two groups:

  1. Lora, Vanra's mother
  2. Mayrina
Baldur's Gate 3: Help The Hag Survivors Full Quest Walkthrough (20)

Lora and Vanra can be found at their home near the Lower City Central Wall. They are in the house directly southwest of the Waypoint.

Speak with Lora, and she'll give you a legendary rapier and very rare amulet:

Amulet of Windrider

Allows the wearer to cast "Ride the Winds" and Gust of Wind.

Duelist's Prerogative

Legendary rapier. Finesse. +3 Enchantment. Deals 1d8 + 3 + Dexterity modifier Piercing and 1d4 Necrotic damage.

  • Elegant Duelist: While your off-hand is empty, you deal Critical Hits on a 19. You also gain an additional reaction per turn.
  • Withering Cut: On a hit with a melee weapon, use your reaction to deal additional Necrotic damage equal to your Proficiency Bonus.
  • Spells & Abilities: The wielder can cast Challenge to Duel. Additionally, they can use the weapon action "Dueller's Enthusiasm."
Baldur's Gate 3: Help The Hag Survivors Full Quest Walkthrough (21)

With Lora spoken to, return to Old Garlow's and speak with Mayrina. Tell her that Ethel is dead.

Then, tell Mayrina that Vanra has been saved. Only then will she give you a very rare amulet to clear the quest and bring the time of hags in Baldur's Gate to an end (for now).

Fey Semblance Amulet: Very rare amulet. Gives the wearer Advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma Saving Throws.


Baldur's Gate 3: How To Deal With The Hag

Dealing with the hag in Baldur's Gate 3 requires foresight and planning, and here are a few tips to get you started with this ordeal.

Baldur's Gate 3: Help The Hag Survivors Full Quest Walkthrough (2024)
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